
First Name: Cheryl

Screen Name (s): Amaryllis, Amy, AmyTehDark, AmaryllisTehDark
Email: nocturnal_amaryllis@hotmail.com
Nicknames?: Cher, Cherrypie, Amy

Birth date: September 10
Gender: Female

Ethnic Background: Dutch and a little bit of German somewhere.
Eye Color: Green.

Hair Color: Originally blonde.

Freckles: No

Moles: I can think of 1

Scars: Too much

Righty or Lefty?: Righty

Religion: Agnostic/Mysticus

Political Party: None.

Country?: The Netherlands

State/Province?: Gelderland

Marital Status?: Single

Sexual Preference?: Straight

Parents Divorced?: No

Siblings? How many?: 1 brother

Children? How many?: None (thank goodness)

Best Friend (s): Eva, Lisa, Martijn, Jonas

Pets (names and what they are): Dog: Thyra Rat: Monster And we have pidgeons and chickens but they don't all have names.

Job?: Artist?

Schooling?: Art course.

Car?: None.

Play an Instrument?: Guitar, Keyboard and Ocarina soon.

Glasses or Contacts?: None.

Jewelry?: 4 earrings. 1 nosering. 1 watch. 1 chakra bracelet. 1 necklace with catbell. 2 rings. I only wear jewelry with a special meaning.

Tattoo?: None.

Makeup?: Often. Not everyday.

Zodiac Sign: Virgo, but I tend to read Lion alot =P

Chinese Zodiac Sign: Horse (Tiger when it comes to the lion thing)


Animal: Cats

Color: Any colour really...

Country: England.

State/Province: Dunno.

Automobile: Jeep.

Shoe: Comfy ones =.=

Number: 13

Food: Warm food?

Fast Food Place and Food there: Pfff dunno.

Musical Instrument: The ones I play right now.

Drink (not just alcoholic): Ice tea lemon and when it comes to alcohol: Asti Martini, Martini, Tonino

Season: Fall and spring 8D

Actor: Too much to recall...

Actress: Hard one..

Music Genre: Anything but Rock's my life <3

Singer: Bryan Adams

Band: The Goo Goo Dolls, Breaking Benjamin

Movie Genre: Horror

Movie: Don't ask, too many

Hero/Heroine in Movie: =.=

Villain in Movie: =.= again

Book Genre: Doesn't matter

Book: Haven't got one.

Author: I don't care about any author.

Board Game: 3 on a row

Game Console: Any 8D

Computer/Console Game: The Legend of Zelda

Sport: Badminton I guess.

Activity (Besides Sports): Uhh.

Website: jaynaylor.com / myspace.com

Subject in School: Art and photography

Store: Haven't got one.

Gum: With strawberry flavour <3

Candy: Wingeum

Email or IM: Both.

Phone or in person: Person

TV or Radio or Internet: Internet

Flavor: Lemon.

Cats or Dogs: Cats

Day or Night: Depends.

IM Service: MSN.

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: Nope, perhaps sometime.

Alcohol: Yes

Cigarettes/Cigars: Yes, both.

Chew: What?

Cuss/Swear: Often

Lie: Have, intend not to anymore.

Stole: Yes

Attempted Suicide: Tried to.

Attempted Murder: Nope.

Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Sprained.

Got in a fight, did you win: Yes, yes.

Been shot: No.

Want to go to college: Perhaps.

Had an imaginary friend: No.

Wanted to be the opposite sex: Stupid fantasies =P

Had D?j? Vu: Often >.>

Gone skinny dipping?: Nope.

Walk around nude?: Only while coming out of the shower before getting dressed.

-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Yes

Ever fallen in love?: Yes

If so, at what age?: 14

How many times?: 3 times.

Ever been dumped?: Yup

How many times?: Once, kind of.

Ever made out?: Yes.

Ever had Sex?: Yes.

Looks or Personality?: Personality, but I'd go for looks aswell. Personality matters more to me though.

Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: After 6 boyfriend's at age 17 I'd say attractive? Oo

Believe in love at first sight?: Hmm, interest at first sight..

Do you want to get married?: Dunno yet.

Define marriage and what it means to you: Love and honesty.

Do you want/have kids?: Yes, 1 cute little boy.

Boys name: Dunno xD

Girls name: Dunno either

-The most-

Stupidest thing you?ve done: Pfff can't recall.

Greatest thing you?ve done: Pass my exams.

Funniest thing you?ve done: Dunno.

Person/Place/Thing you hate: Baz.

Person/Place/Thing you love: Music.

Country you hate besides your own: Germany.

Country you love besides your own: England.

Best feeling in the world: Love

Worst feeling in the world: Being lied to. Betrayed like Baz did.

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: No.

Do you believe in Abortion?: Yes.

Do you believe in Cloning?: No.

Do you believe in Guns?: Yes.

Do you believe in War?: No

Do you believe in Hunting?: Yes.

Do you believe in Taxes?: Yes. Duh.

Do you believe in Texas?: It's there isn't it?

Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Yes =3

Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Depends, I'm going to have plastic surgery because it's necessary (my ears). If you really don't have to than don't. I've got disfigured ears, what's your excuse?

Was OJ Simpson guilty?: Can't remember what he did.

Is Michael Jackson guilty?: I think so.

Bush or Kerry or Nader?: Kerry.

Do you believe in Heaven?: Nope.

Do you believe in Hell?: No.


Hobbies: Music, art, movie.

Collections: haven't got one.

Goals: Become happy in life.

Dreams: Find the one for me and live happily ever after =3

Fears: Having a hard life.

Weaknesses: Music, animals and love and friendship.

Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: Huh? XD Well I've seen a pic of him and yeah I'd say so =P

Most common emotion: Being afraid and lonely.

Perfect Pizza: Yuck.

What?s your favorite Memory: The lea meeting in Paris.

Countries you?ve been to: UK, Belgium, Germany, Switserland, France, Czech Republic, Italy, Greece uhmm.. And Holland. That's about it.

States/Provinces you?ve been to: Too many.

What pet would you like: Husky and a German shepherd. Oh and cats.

Any additional information: Noope.

Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Sometimes =P