But wait, there's more!

This arrived to me in the mail about a week ago, but I've been away so I just retrieved it today. Kossu sent me second (!) whole gift package. She truly has went out of her way to get this sent even after Christmas.

And I am so thankful that she did, because inside was a very special and georgous piece of personal art, meticulously painted on a flat piece of stone. It looks stunning, and has really quite a remarkable amount of detail for a stone that's smaller than my palm. Great work, it's going straight on display to the shelf next to my desktop.
The attached letter revealed that the stone originates all the way from Andros, Greece! Don't know how you ended up using what must've been a nice travel memory, on a Christmas present to a some guy across the continent, but thank you! I guess visiting Andros is now officially on my bucket list, haha.


So glad you enjoyed the gift, Sharifu.