Thanks Kossu ^^

Well, Finally finished the Case !

Made some adjustments to the text, added and taken away a few things until it looked right ^_^

I don't think i have ever used Photoshop that extensively xD A lot of googling how to do certain things but that's how you learn i guess xP. Sooo many layers

Also The main Kion picture i used had a few weird things in it, like the random "background" birds that are -in front- of Kion for some weird reason and also his rear leg doesn't touch the rock. Could be a power stance thing maybe ? To me it just looks like he is lifting his leg "ahem" xP. Didn't bug me at first but every time I looked at it nearer to finishing the more I was Irked Then when i asked Nathalie to see how the whole design looked in general (second pair of eyes) and She pointed out the same things so I just had to change them XD All this time as well trying to lasso a certain part of an image and Nathalie tells me about the Magnetic much easier

Here is the final product

So yeah, all done now !. Lots of self learning in many different aspects and it all paid off

My only self critique is even though I done a test print just with the guide lines to make sure the template size was correct, for some reason when I printed the the actual design on photo paper I had to trim a lot more off then the test paper , so the Lion Guard logo is a bit off-set to the right but meh....another time perhaps


Oh, just for the laugh