Lockdown is basically over mostly everwhere?
Adam's been back at work, this is week 4 now I believe (week 3 of 4).
Most stores have opened up again in the UK since last week Monday. Only thing still closed are pubs, food places, card/magazine stores.
Some restaurants have started doing take out since 2 weeks ago.

McDonalds has most drive-thru's open (we went yesterday, McFlurry never tasted better, haha!), and most other McDonalds will open here this week/next week.

Went to Primark yesterday.
Normally it is quite busy on a Sunday, but it was nice yesterday. Guy with a counter outside. And knowing most people are still shielding/not wanting to go outside, I feel this is mainly the time to actually go somehwere.
I was in desperate need of some new t-shirts and jeans, so wanted to give it a go.
It was nicer in Primark then it has been at the supermarket.

I was going to do a coloring contest a while ago, but was trying to figure out what I could do as a little prize, but that was the same day (or the next, don't remember), I got the news from my dad, so I just put that idea to the side, and then I completely forgot about it.
I can still upload some of the pictures though, people might still want to do some coloring.
(we got it from an adult coloring book, I got loads of TLK ones)