Hey everyone!Haven't posted in a while so I thought it would be probably throw my two cents into the mix. Audra pretty much already updated our situation, me getting laid off and all, but I guess it's worth noting that it haven't effected me in anyway. As I did get my AS in CS last December, having full-time job made it hard for me to work on personal projects which now I have time and energy to concentrate on. I have been exploring Unity a bit, solved some common interview problems in Java and have been making a project with C#. So all in all the COVID-19 hasn't really done much to harm me. I also just had a trip to Europe to my brother's wedding so it wont be too hard to not plan any vacations for me. Interestingly enough, I watch news in Finland with my mom and she made a comment that this will be bad in global scale which I pretty much shrugged off... I guess she was right My personal feelings on COVID-19 hasn't really changed through out the pandemic either. I been saying the whole time it's worse than a flu, but with approximately 2% death rate which only 0.2% death rate on those below 50 and even majority of those who have died being under 65 have had underlying health condition, I do not personally feel scared the slightest. I don't think it's over kill to shelter in place or take other preemptive precautions though there is probably more effective ways on accomplishing herd immunity without destroying world economy and still not to sentence elderly to death by the masses. Much of it is because of how it was down played by authorities in the beginning though so now for a while it will be quite different world than we knew.Yet I do urge people who are not chronically ill, don't have compromised immune system and are not over 65 to take a deep breath and calm down, there is not much else we can do than wait it out. We will get through this. Also, Nathalie, I'm sorry your dad did get the virus, but I'm glad he pushed through it. I hope he wont have too many long lasting effects from it.