Quote Originally Posted by cleargreenwater View Post
Meh, same. I've had a cough for about 3 weeks, then this week my ears are clogging up and post-nasal drip, it's probably allergies since it's that time of year. Of course I'm convinced my chest feels tight, but it's probably the constant anxiety causing it. Then my throat tastes funny, from the tooth infection. So all in all I'm convinced I'm dying. Plus I live with my mother who'se immune compromised, so naturally I feel like I'm going to kill her, too. It's rough. I don't have any chill pills, only these herbal chewy anti-stress things that don't do a damn thing for this level of anxiety.
It's terrible isn't it

I've been thinking for the past 6 days, every single time I swallow "did that hurt?", "did that feel like a sore throat?".
I've always had "bad ears". When it's very windy and I'm outside, the wind just goes through my ears, and it will bother me after a while.
I think that's mainly what's also been going on. Due to wearing the bike helmet, since it's too big, a lot of wind goes through it, so my ears are very sensitive now.
And it's all connected isn't it, ears/nose/throat.
My right ear does hurt a little bit, and my throat all the way up, to the right going to my ear.
Knowing all these things, 2 days ago I woke up in panic mode, feeling so sick, felt like I was going to throw up.

Your chest feeling tight, is a symptom for anxiety, I have it too. Knowing this, I still think I'm going to end up dead because of the virus, lol.
The mind works in a very strange way.
I've got my Xanax and some other meds that luckily work very well when I'm feeling too much panic.
2 days ago, I even had to call my doctor in Belgium, to ask how many I could take in 1 day.
He's like: are you feeling very distressed today?
I'm like: given the current situation, hell yeah ?!?

And I've been outside today, so untill next week Sunday, I'm going to be stressing again a lot more.

We went to the supermarket yesterday, and with all these new measurements, it felt even worse to be in there.
Some parts were blocked off, arrows on the ground, and even though only a certain amount of people allowed in (security guy outside with a clicker), people are still RIGHT UP IN YOUR FACE!
Whenever I was looking at something to get, an arm from a person next to me was sliding down my coat, like: dude, get away from me!

Without realizing, I smelled a bag of pot-pourri today in the store, came home, put anti-bacterial handgel on my nose, haha!

I'm very scared as to what this is going to do to my depression.
I'm normally not one to stay inside and live in my bunker, but I feel that when this is over (if it ever will be), I may not even want to go places anymore.
Untill there's a vaccin. I'd happily take a needle in my butt for this! (lol)

Yeah, sorry, I'm not very positive. Not afraid to say, that this is scaring me a lot
Not to mention life-wise, when looking at never finding a job, at least definately not this year, so my moral is just going down, down ... down.