I feel even less quarantined now than before Probably because I've had so many errands to run in town this week, and by the amount of people I've seen while out and about, I'm guessing others feel the same... It's still not "carry on as normal" by any means, like I've seen some international reports say. Signs and warnings everywhere, stickers on the shop floors, plexiglass shields by every till. A big fashion chain just filed for bankruptcy today too, because of the business lost by the crisis. No one travels.

The Public Health Agency have been reporting that the spread seems to have reached a "plateau" in the capital and we're seeing pretty much the same amount of new cases from day to day though. Half of the deaths are from retirement homes, which is really tragic... But considering the conditions the carers have to work in I can't say I'm surprised, sadly... Hopefully we'll get a massive overhaul of the system once this is over

It also turns out that Sweden records deaths from Covid-19 differently from some other countries, so our numbers look really high compared to our neighbours, which is interesting Oof, numbers... I think fixating on graphs and data visualisations has been my way of coping with it all.

I really, really look forward to when this is over. I'm never going to take seeing my family and friends for granted ever again