In my opinion, if I were you, I would still buy a black pair of Sketchers for your job, if that is going to help. Nothing is worse than your feet killing you while you are working. You can always wear them in future jobs, or just whenever you want to wear a comfortable pair of black shoes. Most of the time, it seems like black shoes can be used for any job.

As for me, I'm just trying to get things done before baby gets here. I could go into labor any day now. But I will be induced on December 20 if I don't go into labor on my own before then. December 20 is week 39, the reason my doctors want to induce me at that week is because I have preexisting type 2 diabetes. They said with mothers who have diabetes, there is a slight chance of still birth if a baby stays inside past week 39. My blood sugar numbers have been really good at least, my doctors have told me I am doing such a good job managing my diabetes. Although at my last appointment on Monday, my blood pressure was slightly high... I was told to check it at home twice a day. I was told I am at a higher risk of preeclampsia because I have diabetes. Plans could change if I get preeclampsia, where I would have to be induced earlier. I also had blood work done yesterday to check for preeclampsia. We'll see... I think I'll be hearing from my doctor today or tomorrow about the results. Hopefully things wont get worse with that issue. But even if we have to deliver her earlier, all that matters in the end is that both me and baby are ok and healthy, and if we have to deliver earlier for that to happen, that's what we'll have to do.

I do feel a bit better that I have gotten quite a bit done lately. Baby's room is pretty much done, there is a few pieces of art we wanted to hang on the wall still, but that doesn't have to be done before baby gets here. I washed her newborn size clothes yesterday, and her crib sheets. We picked out some going home outfits for her to take to the hospital. Now I just need to pack a bag for myself to take to the hospital! That is the next thing to do on my list! It's a little stressful that this is happening so close to Christmas, but it is what it is. I do love the Christmas season, so at the same time I think it's kind of sweet she will be born during this time. But at least our Christmas tree is done and decorated. It might just be hard to shop and wrap gifts and what not if she comes early. But I am trying to get as much done as I can before she gets here. It's just hard because I get tired, and I don't usually get as much done in the day I wanted. But I have gotten a good amount done over the last week so I feel a bit better about it. Once I get my hospital bag packed today, I know I will be feeling much relief!