Yeah, I'm thrilled they finally gave good PR for hyenas and sort of made it a number one priority by making this episode one of the first ones right out of the gate, while most the old fans are watching still & before the newness wears off. Yay And Jasiri was cute. Great start! :3

This is also the first Lion Guard thing I've sat down & watched. I have to say, Bunga is not as terrible as I thought he'd be. He does not look half as blue in the show as he did in promo materials and I haven't watched enough for him to get annoying yet. Fuli on the other hand. Doesn't help either that her styling looks the least like original TLK art style. But someone on one of the other threads said a mouthful talking about characters in kid's shows breaking the fourth wall. I am SO happy this show doesn't do that, it seems so classy for a children's show to tell a story start to finish & I didn't even realize how rare it is anymore.

All & all I really like Kion. Although IDK, with all his crew listing off all the things Kion wouldn't have done wrong that they did, he sure could've given them a landmark they were all familiar with in the first place xD

Is there any place online I can find the one hour intro special for this show? Someone here said it wasn't on Disney Junior website anymore, as usual I'm super late.