omkgogmogmogomgogmogmogogomgmgog check this out !!

damn am burning with fire of drawing! "some sketches catches on fire" WHa! no wait wait wait! "puts it out"

anyhow before i go all psykodic on ya all here is my newset drawing!! its of Amaryllis and me!! weeweweewew x3

(hate her neck its to long love everything else)

i mean seriesly wow! i love this am on this drawing frenzzy! whre am drawing so mutch! this franzy is called

(repaying to the artist whos drawn for me) iv got alot of friendsl like Amaryllis KS Kovu (lkd) FC "list goes on" that have drawn for me so now when am good at drawing am finnely drawing back for them! same goes for all those "gota draw for your b day" Pices! well of to next drawing i got lots to do!

btw imagen Amaryllis being in the position of roling down on her back ^^

i drew this without reference but it has a relation to an other pic Amy drew long ago x3

"feed back please" x3

and utara and broken we gota talk abut those trades x3