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Thread: The Jungle

  1. #1
    A new era Mod Lion King Stu's Avatar
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    The Jungle

    Welcome to the jungle fellow Junglers, as you can tell your home will be here in the untouched beauty of the jungles. Unfortunately I couldn't find a map like the pride lands for the original jungle from the TLK so using your imagination will have to do here.
    The Jungle is separated from the pride lands via the elephant graveyard, several rivers are connected to the rivers flowing into the pride lands and along it's borders.

    The terrain is mixed, a lot of flats and many hidden trails down steep slopes and some high vertical drops. There are many waterholes and miniature waterfalls hidden away as well as many caves, it is pretty much a miniature heaven.

    Members I have had the pleasure to meet: STM [x2], Sharifu [x2], Taneli [x2], King Simba [x4], Shadow [x1], Nathalie [x2], Lucy Lioness [x2], This Land [x4], Daniel [x2], Nephilim [x1], KanuTGL [x2], Revo [x1], Naline [x1], FCSimba [x9], Leorgathar [x1]

  2. #2
    Senior Member Nuduli's Avatar
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    A light noise caused his ears to twitch a moment before he slowly opened his sharp green eyes and blinked slowly, the sun sinking low in the sky had momentarily blinded him. The jungle was bathed in a strange light. Yellow at first then changing to purples and reds within the passing minutes. He lifted his dark head and gazed upward to find it was nothing more than a passing monkey in the treetops. Not paying it much attention afterward Abasi slowly got up and stretched out his strong limbs. Slightly shaking his mane that matched his black fur, Abasi was just a little more alert.

    Making his way toward the waterhole nearby, he went to take a long, cool, and deep drink. It was very refreshing that was certain. Sighing a little, he wondered how best to occupy his time. He hadn't been in this area for very long. In fact, it was but a mere two hours since Abasi came upon the lush green jungles. He had been travelling from quite a cold region in the mountains and as he descended lower the atmosphere, not to mention temperature changed greatly. Exploring the jungle was either a good idea to familiarize himself... or bad idea. Abasi heard tales of a pride that dwelled here, however he only dismissed them as local story.

    Either way, he wasn't going to take this route lightly. After all, there had to be something more threatening in these jungles than a whole pride, right?

  3. #3
    Junior Member Judas's Avatar
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    Broad paws held a rhythmic trot through the dew covered grass and ferns, head held at the height of his shoulder as the sleek yet tall feline pressed forwards through the jungle woodlands. The morning mist hung low over the silent forest covering all in a faint blue haze; it was all quiet and serene, as if every creature was holding its breath while awaiting the dawning sun. His strides was silent yet determined the feline had a destination one he could already smell, and faintly hear; the unmistakable sound of a waterfall in the distance.

    The sandy tanned male exhaled a sigh as his trot slowed to more a casual walk, he was well aware that this was occupied land; but right now however he couldn’t care less about respecting borders. Hazel eyes trailed his surroundings, nose twitching for scents of familiarity; there was someone else here! Not that far off either, but whether it was pridal or rogue Judas couldn’t tell. The nomad had spent about a week in this jungle, staying out of sight and one step ahead of the pride that roamed here; the lush forest environment was slightly new to him, being used to barren deserts and outlands stretching far to the north.

    This land of plenty presented somewhat a culture shock to the nomad, but even so he was adapting well to this moist world. Broad paws stepping lightly as he made a turn to approach the nearby lion, coming within visual range however Judas was mildly surprised; the feline was black. ‘How intriguing.’ He thought to himself inching ever closer to the other male.
    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
    Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing?
    Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
    Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

    ~ Epicurus (341 BCE – 270 BCE)

  4. #4
    Senior Member Nuduli's Avatar
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    How could anyone live here, let alone a pride? Abasi was not used to the drastic change in his surroundings and it felt very heavy and nearly suffocating. Perhaps when he spent some more time here he would get used to it. Stopping in his tracks, he momentarily coughed. The jungle was so warm and humid, nothing at all like the mountains he was so used to. In fact, as he resumed his walking of the new area, Abasi was coming to the conclusion that the jungle was... restricting. Sure it was beautiful but it was like walking into a place that was prepared to come alive and swallow you whole.

    It wasn't long after he mused this, that a scent met his nose. Another lion. Actually, as Abasi glanced around him, the lion made his presence known in front of him. Stopping once more as the stranger approached, he noted the other was just somewhat younger than himself. Now, whether he belonged here or not was another thing. Observing the other there was no emotion or any readable sign upon his features to tell what he was thinking or how he felt. "I hope I'm not intruding?" he asked in a rather toneless voice. It was his usual manner.

    Abasi did not know if the other male intended to chase him out or what, so he remained cautious for now. If this younger male wasn't a threat to him after all, Abasi wouldn't bother with needing to defend himself if the situation arised. "I'm merely passing through," he then said. "The jungle is I should say, new to me."

  5. #5
    Junior Member Judas's Avatar
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    The black male turned around to face him; it was not as if Judas had put any effort into hiding his approach. Hazel eyes scanned the other, noting that the only feature to stand out was the other’s eyes, a bright green against a charcoal background. The lion was slightly older than himself, but looked more lost in this place than anything, an ear perked as a question escaped the other’s maw. “Intruding where exactly?” the nomad responded slightly glib tone in his voice hinting to his general disregard for borders, as far as Judas was concerned they were both intruders to this place, he had as little right to be here as the black feline.

    Judas was remarkably relaxed despite standing on trespassed ground, he had been keeping one step ahead of the pride here for a week already; and so far it seemed his presence had remained unnoticed. “As am I.” stated Judas as the other explained his errand in this place and admitted that it was a new environment to him. “I’ve been here for... about a week now.” Explained the nomad, “A strange place this is, so different from the Outlands to the north.” His gaze trailed the giant trees that were so tall you could hardly distinguish were the tree ended and skies began.

    “Perhaps we can help each other.” Judas proposed after a slight pause gaze breaking from the canopy and returning to the other feline, “Should the pride find us, we stand a better change against them together than alone.” He added explaining the reasoning for his proposal of teamwork. Under any normal circumstance the last thing Judas would've proposed to anyone was teamwork but here he was alone, deep within the territory of another pride and had just found another lost soul looking for a way out. From a survival perspective teaming up offered the best chances.
    "Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
    Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing?
    Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
    Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

    ~ Epicurus (341 BCE – 270 BCE)

  6. #6
    Senior Member Nuduli's Avatar
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    By the other male's tone in the response to his question, it seemed he too was a rogue. While this slightly eased his mind that he wasn't facing the possible pride's leader, Abasi had no reason to trust him. Rather, he rarely trusted anyone anyway. However, he's been here much longer than himself for a week spent out here. The Outlands? He's heard of it but never set paw in those borders. Noting that the other was, shall he say, relaxed and quite uncaring in his manner, Abasi relaxed as well. Somewhat.

    Abasi lifted a dark brow. Work together? While his reasoning was a good one and made perfect sense, Abasi was uncertain. "I don't really work with others..." he began to answer. Even if he wasn't a rogue, Abasi was so aloof and used to relying on himself that the idea of teamwork was just not his thing. However, it would be very stupid to turn down the offer. At least in this situation, if the tales were true. Eventually he heaved a sigh, making his decision. "Very well, it's reasonable enough."

    If they came across this pride, then they would stand a better chance. If this was some trap, Abasi would be sure to get out of it. If nothing came of this, he'd go on his way once he left the jungle. "I'm Abasi," he told him. Hopefully things would not get too complicated from here.

  7. #7
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    Utora's white fur was dusted over with the sands of the Outlands, her paws ached from a long trek from the Elephant Graveyard...countless of nights walks away. She had fufilled her semi-anual endeavor to the ancient battlegrounds and now made her return to her homeland. The air blossomed in her lungs from dry and gritty to humid and moist, as well as heavy and thick. She coughed lightly to adjust herself.

    She had lingered on the outskirts of the Jungle for quite some time before entering into the dense coverage. Her mind was fixated on cleansing waters for both her throat and fur. The scent of fresh waters grew stronger, but something else grew even more strong. Utora's muscles tensed as she slowed her gait to a creeping walk. The underbrush covered her and blotted out her sight. She was use to this environment more than the wide open lands of the Outlands, or even the dank, depressing landscape of the Graveyards. Sounds of the jugnle had ceased around her and onward, which meant something of importance disrupted the natural cycle of things here. She felt the weight of the threat, but curiosity struck her more as she hoped to stay downwind. Though, here, the winds were non-existant..just a lingering sheet of moist air and the thick scents of waters and tropical foilage.

    Utora crept about, closer to the strong, foriegn scent. She found herself laying close to rotting logs, peering between limbs and greenery. There, the water. Also, strangers. The scent of males concerned her more for her own well being as she sunk down low instinctively, licking her lips as she tensed up. Her blue eyes locked onto obscurred images.

    As she looked closer, her thoughts wondered about her king or queen, or respective authority. Pridelanders? The thought perturbed her more. Her training required her to attack, but as logically as the situation permitted. Maybe they were refugees from some other conflict, as the Jungle typically gathered all sorts of outcasts and strangers......rouges.... Utora grit her teeth. How frequently male rogues appeared looking to mate abd take over this area for themselves. As the thought of this provoked her, she could make out two male lions. A black and a tan couple. The color intrigued her, she feared more aggression from the darker lion, it just seemed the way of things. Perhaps it was because of the blackness of her previous leader's pelt.

    The uncertainty of not knowing who actually was in control of these lands now, while she'd been gone so long, left her without many reasonable options. It was not very smart of her to thrust herself into the open either, not against two male lions. She was still rather young and was accustomed to her mother's assistance in these things..that and the familiarity of her pride...which had all dissolved as of late. Utora remained gripped behind the brush observing, listening intently to the strangers. It was only a matter of time before they caught her scent or her image for that matter.

  8. #8
    A new era Mod Lion King Stu's Avatar
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    ((Bomani profile will be done for next weekend))
    Blood flows onto open paws, my dreams these days haunted by death and suffering. My dreams plagued and my heart hurt by the loss of the one I held dear, the one I loved of whom I couldn’t protect nor save when she needed it. I dread to sleep, I fear the dreams, the only escape is the day time. My body it trembles, shivers and I awaken panting for breath as sunlight shines through the jungle canopy, I curse the welcoming of a new day , but I am thankful to be rid of the dreams.

    “I don’t blame you”
    Says the soft female voice in my head says, the last words she whispered to me, but still yet I beg for forgiveness. This guilty heart is not easy to fix or to simply forget, a self inflicted curse that only I can truly destroy and yet I have no idea how to simply forgive myself and forget.
    “I don’t deserve to be forgiven, not yet. Our work isn’t done here” I reply to myself as my eyes open and I gaze up at the tree canopy above, the sounds of birds in the branches and the bugs now drown out the voice of my old mate as a sigh leaves my mouth.

    The lion rolled onto his stomach and got up very slowly, letting out a groan as he stretched out across the ground a moment before standing on all fours and shaking his head. As per normal he had randomly crashed out away from the pride, he had been doing so more and more lately. It felt better sometimes being on his own, he could think and he didn’t have to answer everyone’s concerned questions all the time.
    Ever since the death of his mate after the failed attack on the Pride Lands a few months back many others asked how he was coping and offering him help, the thing was he didn’t want it or need it. At least that’s what he kept telling himself, he was in denial about needing the help.

    His name was Bomani, a medicine feline of the Jungler pride, his old mate was called Mika, she simply started as his student, his protégé. Over time she became his lover. Many happy months passed by and they both worked to keep the Jungler pride happy and fighting fit, healed the wounded and treated the sick. The position as a medicine feline was filled with happiness and sorrow, dying is a natural part of life of which they all would reach someday. Not everyone can be saved no matter how much work you do to try and prolong it, in the pride they were both held in high regard.

    The sight of badly war wounded felines did not bother them, they had pretty much seen it all and done what they could. All that would change, all it would take was to see his mate the way she was at the end to make him never be the same again, but he had a service to his pride non the less. He promised that once he managed to train up another protégé that would be it for him, he wanted to be leave but kept his wish to himself.

    Padding through the jungle, dried leaves crunching under his heavy paws he made his way toward the sound of splashing water of one of the many waterfalls that filled the jungle. Standing at the edge he looked down at the clear, rippling water. For a moment he looked at his reflection, his face looked slightly more aged than he was, covered in the scars gained in the war. For many years most females didn’t look at him twice, Mika was different and saw past his scars to the lion he really was.
    In the water he felt like someone was beside him. Maybe it was the lack of sleep, maybe it was just what he wanted to see when he saw the reflection of his mate sitting beside him beautiful as she was. His heart for a moment full of happiness and a slight smile on his face, turning around only to have it dashed when no one was there. Once more he crawled back into the darkness within himself and sighed, leaning down he lapped at the cold water to cure his dry throat.

    “Guess it time to go to work” he said as he turned around and slowly padded back through the jungle in the direction of the main pridal camp.
    Members I have had the pleasure to meet: STM [x2], Sharifu [x2], Taneli [x2], King Simba [x4], Shadow [x1], Nathalie [x2], Lucy Lioness [x2], This Land [x4], Daniel [x2], Nephilim [x1], KanuTGL [x2], Revo [x1], Naline [x1], FCSimba [x9], Leorgathar [x1]

  9. #9
    Senior Member Nuduli's Avatar
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    Uncertain of the other rogue still, he needn't wait long until he caught another presence. It too was nearby from the scent on the air he picked up. Female. Now what was she doing? "It seems we have company..." he said more to himself under his breath. Was she scouting them out and going back for reinforcements? Were they both already being ambushed? Abasi would not know anything until... ah! There she is. A white lioness. Not uncommon for his eyes. He had seen many of them before. "You there!" he called out in her direction. Abasi's gaze never wavered from where he could see her. "Come on out, if you will."

  10. #10
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    Utora lowered herself down to the ground, completely behind the log and flattened her ears as a result of being discovered. Frowing a bit she turned away from the direction she'd come and bolted off, hoping they would not pursue her.

    She took off for a short distance at high spe4ed before slowing down, exhausting herself further after her long journey. She came to a small river of water with a slight waterfall a few yards away where she lunged in and quickly swam across. She hated not knowing what was beneath the water and remembered the days where her and her mother were forced out of territories, forced to swim across open water with crocodiles in panic. The thought made her swim a bit harder, her head bobbing up and down , water rolling up into her ears and nostrils as she spit and lunged, sloshing her paws back and forth searching for the other shore line to touch and hoist herself out of the water with. It was nice in the humidity, a brief dip into the water. As she found the other side she leapt out and panted, licking her muzzle and scanning around. Utora hesitated, looking behind her, but there was nothing more than dense foilage. She gazed up, her blue eyes scanning the forest roof tops where the birds and primates would play. Light popped through some gaps in the trees, but nothing much. Sighing, Utora turned back to the edge of the water and lowered herself down to lap some up. It restored her a bit as she pondered her location as she drank. There was some anxiety to be had, she held her breath and lifted her head as the smell of a male lion returned. It was not them, however, it was more, another? Utora lifted herself quickly, muscles tense eyes and ears pinned forward to catch every sight and sound. Water beads fell from her muzzle to the forest floor as she slunk down beneath the foilage and slipped through their tangled web to search out this scent. It was a bit mystic, this smell, but none the less a male lion as she pursued the scent onward.

    She made little noise, some of it was inevitable. There ahead she could detect a clearing so she slowed herself, then sat, then laid down, waiting. She was fond of waiting at times, just to see what could unfold. The noise of the jungle soothed her as she chuffed a breath and licked her muzzle again. This scent was familiar, but what had happened on her journey to the Elephant Graveyard? It was many months passed. What was once familiar could not be both familiar and threatening, a danger to her life. Perhaps though, it was someone of the old Pride here. Utora resumed her wait, her body a bit exhausted as she laid her head down, hidden by the leaves and trees on the forest floor.

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