Originally posted by SpiritWolf77
It's still physical harm even if there is no lasting physical damage. It can cause emotional damage. A parent is someone who protects and cares for their child. How could it affect the child if the parent is also seen as one who causes physical pain?

And you say you feel a kid needs to experience some physical harm as a child. Sure, kids need to learn what activities are and are not dangerous. I scraped my knee plenty of times as a kid doing various activities. I learned how to deal with pain and how to be careful. But there is a difference between a child hurting themselves as the result of an accident and a child being deliberately hurt by their own parent.

I think the bottom line is that despite the fact that some children can be taught via spanking without any ill consequences, the fact that it does have severe consequences for some, the fact that for some parents, it becomes child abuse, and the fact that it is not necessary, means it's probably better banned than allowed.
A parent isn't always the touchy-feely kind of person. Sometimes they're also the ones that lay down the law (ie, the iron fist). There are currently child abuse laws in place that need enforced, I don't see how spanking falls under child abuse, as it isn't abusing the child.

And as for necessary, I agreed with you when you posted this:
Originally posted by SpiritWolf77
And what you consider "necessary" is subjective.
I decide what is necessary discipline for my kid. Not the government. Not the community.