I've researched a bit of Anatasia's past. There was a person who claimed to be Anastasia, called Anna Anderson, who provided a lot of facts that only the intimate family knew. But I'm skeptic as a DNA test after her death proved she was not her. I have a book that was basically her version of events of what happened and her life with the Romanovs, but I am not sure about her. Its a nice idea to think she was Anastasia, but thats best left with romantics.

Rasputin was a very un-Disney character in real life, the orgies etc. The way he went was rather bad too. He was shot, clubbed, ate enouygh food laced with cynanide to kill about twenty people then thrown into a river. A post mortem showed he drowned. Understandable why Fox wanted to erm.. make his death more consumable for the intended audience. There was no boy called Demitri though. Nice to have a romance in it but still, need to get the facts right.

The Romanovs did not die that very night at the beginning, they died painfully and unrespectfully in a cellar. No one knows what happened with Anastaisa, her body was not found with the rest of the family when their remains were discovered about ten years ago.