After a few moments Trudy made a return with our drinks, placing mine in front of me before leaning down a little and showing a little cleavage to the old coyote making the old boy blush, before she chuckled and went back to serving a few others down on the other side of the bar.

“Well....I guess I can understand what you see in her” I smirked and teased Kenny giving a little playful shove as I took a sip of the whiskey feeling it burn all the way down from my throat to my stomach, making me shudder just a little at the strength, a little more body to what I used to “I have a feeling the whiskey back in Roach may of just been a little more watered down than this” I gave a chuckle looking down at my tumbler and coughed a little.

“Only the best alcoholic beverages in the Mojave are served here kid, make a note of that” Kenny smiled to me and tapped his glass against my own before taking a deep swig of his own drink, himself giving a shudder of warmth as it went down.

For the next few minutes we made idle small talk and laughed as I looked around over the other customers in the bar with interest wondering what their stories were and what they did on a day to day business. I still had a bad feeling in the back of my head we had eyes on us still though I could never catch anyone's eye, but the table at the back of the bar where the eyes had lingered on us made me feel uneasy still but tried to forget that as I drank my whiskey soon finding my tumbler was empty.

“Trudy, can I get another whiskey?” I asked as she got a little closer after serving another customer at the bar, she looked over and smiled taking my tumbler away and filling a fresh, clean one before bringing it back to me as I reached into my pocket for the small bag of bottle caps I carried on me.

“Don't worry about that hun” she smiled to me as she placed the tumbler in front of me “A friend of Kenny's is welcome to what they can handle, just don't go too crazy ok?” she smiled to me before turning to move away.

“Could I ask you a question?” I asked catching her attention as she turned to me, still a smile on her face as she leaned on the bar and looked in my direction.
“Sure thing hun, what's on your mind?” she asked with curiosity.

“Those furs at the back table in the corner? Any idea who they are?” I asked nodding my head in the direction as I did my best to look through the small crowd of head and bodies in between as Trudy glanced over for a long moment to study the group and looked back to me.

“I'm afraid I don't, but they've been in town all day. They haven't been causing trouble, which is a good thing, though they don't seem to be doing too much in the way of anything constructive. Why do you ask?” she said glancing back over to me with interest.

“They're just making me feel a little....uneasy” I replied back looking at the group as best I could, seeing a set of eyes lock onto mine for the briefest of moments before he broke it and talked with the rest at his table, my own falling to my tumbler and tapping at the glass.

“You'll find that quite a common thing in this part of the world, especially with new faces showing up. I'm sure they aren't here for trouble though, just curious about who would be out this late traveling about. The Mojave can be equally as dangerous at night as it can be during the day, just glad you played it smart and came into town when you did” she said with a small smile “I'm going to take a wild guess and suppose you two don't have a place to stay tonight do you?” she questioned looking at both me and Kenny slowly in turn seeing the look on our faces which only made Trudy smile and roll her eyes “I take that as a no, well you can both stay at mine for the night that case then you can continue your travels in the morning” she offered us which we both nodded to and both thanked her “Right, now I got to keep the rest of my customers happy. Speak to you both later” she winked and went about her work once again.

“Everything ok?” Kenny said glancing over to me as he placed his glass on the table and looking over to see the concerned look on my face, the hairs at the back of my neck felt a little on end and still the group at the back table made me feel more nervous than ever, a strong feeling in my gut felt like they meant no good.

“Yeah, I think so” I said slowly in reply, my words not sounding totally convinced as I looked at my tumbler and placed it to my lips letting the warm feeling hit my throat hoping the alcohol would make me calm down just a little bit, this land an environment still new to me and these unsure feelings I was having really were nothing at all.

Several minutes of quietness went past as me and Kenny made small talk and he told me about the gambling and games that went on in New Vegas that perked my interest just a little. I had played some card games before but had never really much in the way gambled and did so more for fun than anything else, he said some furs even made a living from doing so and making quite a crazy amount of caps. But with the ups was also the down, a man could very much find himself very poor in New Vegas and lose everything when it came down to gambling, it could be even more addictive as drugs and alcohol.

“So how about it? Want to play some good old fashioned poker?” Kenny smirked to me as he reached into his bag and pulled out a very worn pack of playing cards held together with a rubber band before taking it off and expertly shuffling the cards like a pro.

“Sure, sounds like fun” I nodded to him as I placed the tumbler to my lips and took another swallow of whiskey “I don't have much in the way of caps though if you're thinking about bankrupting me” I let out a little smile to him which made him laugh.

“Not a problem, sure you'll get a winning hand sooner or later. That's the wonderful thing about gambling the odds finally turn in your favor and go on a hot streak. Just be sure to be smart enough and get out of there before the streak goes cold” he smiled “Because a few times in the past I've fallen into that hole and it only ever gets deeper” he said tapping the bar with his hand and taking a long swig of his drink before getting up and moving to a free table away from the bar and sitting down.

I moved over with my gear, placing it under the table at my legs and sat the opposite side of the end of Kenny, placing my tumbler in front of me as I looked across at him. And with that the cards slid across the table and we played a few hands, caps exchanging between both our hands and at one point finding myself on a bit of a hot streak wining with a flush and a few three of a kinds. We both laughed, joked and drank another round of drinks, my head feeling a light and my body feeling relaxed.

“Mind me and my friend join in the fun?” a young coyote with short cut hair and a folded bandana across his neck and wearing worn denim jeans and a red plaid shirt said coming up behind me along with his friend, glancing over I could see he was a horse of similar age to myself with low hair that hung just over his eyes and tied at the back in a short ponytail, wearing very well worn and torn jeans and a similar shirt to his friend.

“Sure thing boys, what are your names?” Kenny smiled to them both and offered them a seat at the sides of the tables as he waved for Trudy and motioned for her to bring over another round of drinks for himself getting a nod and yet another wink off her before he went about shuffling the cards once more.

“Mighty kind of you” said the horse as he took a seat to my right as his coyote friend took a seat to my left “The names Jessup, my friends name here is McMurphy” he replied back placing his tumbler of whiskey in front of himself as the coyote I now knew as McMurphy placed his bottle of beer onto the table and got settled “So what brings you boys to Goodsprings?” he questioned with a smile.

“We're both couriers” I replied in response, draining the last bit of whiskey from my tumbler before placing it back down just in time for Trudy to swoop it up and place a fresh glass in front of me, another glass of her special moonshine for Kenny and went back to the bar “We're just in town for the night, heading back out in the least that is the plan, this rate I can't see us getting up early” I said with a soft chuckle and tapped my glass, cards sliding across the table to all of us.

“Yeah, you'll tend to find plans don't seem to always stick to how you plan them out these parts. More than most when alcohol is involved, or a decent bit of tail” McMurphy said in response with a laugh as he took a sip from his tumbler before looking at his cards “So who do you work for? Crimson Caravan? Mojave Express?” he said to which Kenny replied 'Mojave Express' before making a colorful remark or two about the owner of the Crimson Caravan calling her a '*****' and a few other choice names making McMurphy laugh hard as he placed down his card before looking around the table at all of us, what followed was a few short moments of looking at the cards and caps sliding across the table into the middle and some bluffing before the first hand went the way of Jessup with a three of a kind.

“A good start” the young coyote chuckled as he raked in the caps and made a small pile in front of him as card deck was moved onto McMurphy and once again the dance of sliding cards and bottle caps were spun, flicked and slid into the middle of the table as Kenny won the hand with a straight on this occasion as it looked like for one moment I had won the hand after Jessup had slid his cards away in defeat after the first round of raising and McMurphy thought he had us both bluffed with a pair of kings.