The fact that geological time periods ARE ever-changing and vast is exactly my point. Much of the time this Earth has existed we have not been around to observe. That doesn't mean we should just ignore it and say it doesn't play a part. If there were climate cycles that mimic this...then this would not be such a major issue nor anything to raise alarm over. If we could somehow compare those past times with now...well...there would be a whole lot of time to overshadow the small percentage we can look at now. point is that we don't know what happened back then...and it is likely that the Earth worked on these cycles...but even if that was not the case..the simple fact that we don't know sheds some doubt on global warming being significantly attributed to us.

As Darkslash said...sure..we may have played some part...but how big is it? HOW significant is it? We may be adding VERY little..and the observations we are taking simply show a correlation that is not necessarily based on just one factor. Say for instance the Earth is naturally heating..but we are also raising it VERY slightly. Well...if we observe it and wrongly rule out nature itself, then it will look like we are causing a huge increase...when we really aren't.

I don't think anyone has a problem with looking for alternate fuels, or even trying to keep the environment in better shape...but it is much harder than it looks. We can't just instantly change the way we live...or magically find a new fuel source...or convert all the existing facilities to a new fuel source etc. I know you don't necessarily want that instantly or anything...but I do believe that people..and the country in general has nothing against changing over...but as a country....we also have to worry about the cost of all this...and how it effects the citizens. Just for example..and a generalization: Say we were doing something to hurt the environment..not like catastrophicly..but something that isn't really good. Well..if it would cost the country more money, in taxes and projects, and the point it would actually hurt the economy...well, I doubt it would happen then. The research is happening..and the time will be right for things to change over. Lets face it...if global warming isn't the issue...we are going to run out of oil/petroleum eventually.
