I pose the question of Religion vs Science to you all, and once again, I only ask for your opinion, so no death threats please.

Well, The Big Bang. HUGE explosion, and we're talking about an explosion that puts Hiroshima to shame. It created such heat that hydrogen and heluim atoms fused together to makes every single planet, comet, everything that out universe is made of. Yes, even those Burger Vans outside football matches.

But, the other side of the argument is this 'God' figure.

Everyone knows that God created the universe in 7 days (6 days if you really wanted to be picky) but this interpretataion of "7 days" is different among the different denominations of the religions.

So, what i want to ask is:
  • Do you believe 'Creation by God' or 'Creation by Explosion'?
  • Why do you believe that?
  • Also, if you believe in the Creation by God, in what way do you interpret the meaning of "7 days"?

Thank you