I work in Security.
My form of Security is in a call center environment monitoring alarm systems, calling on anything from fire alarms, medical and burglary alarms to communication issues and providing technical support. Lately they've got me doing Data entry things (creating new accounts for dealers (like a new business we contracted, Dollar General for example)) and then SMB (Secure Managed Broadband) where I spend 4 hours in a phone call with an AT&T guy trying to synchronize routers and all that WONDERFUL STUFFS. I like technical fields, yet this job is time consuming.

I work 12 hour shifts, by night from 1800 to 0600. It is rotating which means, no college. Not practically anyways.
I've been there almost a year and am trying to officially be placed in the Data entry department which means M-F 0800 to 1700 and better pay but, we'll see.
It's a decent job, good medical coverage, accrue vacation and sick time each pay period. Lately the management is becoming the elite micromanage department and I am getting tired of being the one of two people out of 12 on our shift that knows anything and is responsible for everything because we know everything and choose to be responsible while others make more and more mistakes, knowing better but they want their "call stats" to look good so they blow through everything. Their punishment? They don't have to take incoming calls or handle high priority things - I do. Yet, we're all paid the same? Yeah, no. I don't know about that, especially when I clean up their messes, etc.

Nothing is more embarrassing than a disgruntled customer you have to grovel to because another clownbag on your shift didn't adhere to the rules for the umpteenth time and it's technically our fault. I really want to do just technical field, no customer service lol.

But, I have a good job overall!