FAO KTL: Ah yes, so now you don't care...one would question why you made such an empassioned response the first time around if that was the case?

Oh, and I'm glad to see you still haven't read my posts...if I implied anything it was that I am vehemently anti-war. Frankly I'd question the sanity of any human that was 'pro-war'.

Anyway I agree, nevermind...take your leave of absense from political discussion and we can both be on our merry way.

Oh, and I took your sage advice and sent a little report slip along to the mods...told them to go easy on you though...

EDIT: Seeing as you did I thought I might as well...

I agree and have no problem with debate, it's when it gets personal that it becomes obsolete and the topic is reduced to the level of infants. Oh, and unless you can be reported for defending your arguments in a calm and controlled manner, while remaining on-topic and not getting personal, then good luck with reporting me.