*Sigh* I thought my part in this debate had finished by now, I've said all I need to, but I suppose I must repeat myself one last time...

First of all, regarding Pnt. He has since apologised and I have accepted so I'm only going back over it to justify my actions; I don't bear a grudge Pnt. Okay: KTL...

I had just received Pnt's post, which seemed to offer nothing other than a personal attack, with little reference to what I had actually said. This annoyed me, I believe I'm entitled to that...and I feel I responded rather calmly considering my position; I simply re-stated my arguments...something I seem to be having to do a lot on here. If anyone did bother reporting me for the sentences you highlighted I could easily justify them by pointing out the nature of my previous posts and the apparently uncalled-for insults in the response from Pnt. Next...?

Originally posted by Kovu The Lion
heres what we didn't do, We didn't nuke there asses to hell is what we didn't do, did you guys not obviously know that was an OPTION to do so to just, blow them away? Yeap it was. SO I think US is doing the rightthing to do.

And you obviously put down and threw away american reputation, in something you have no clue of what the heck you are talking about.
First of all, just to point something out, the last line could easily be considered a "put down = against rules". Anyway, back to your response...It appears you are saying the US did the 'right' thing simply by not nuking them. Have you considered the fact that they also had the option to not blow them up at all? It's like saying to a starving child in Africa "You're fine, at least you have legs"

If I'm right, It was President Nixon, and not the people of the United States that wanted to go to war. And half the people of the US didn't even know what was happening, and that Nixon and the government were hiding a huge secret from us until it was published in a newspaper, Get your facts straight before you post okay?
For the second time I shall point out the 'put down' and, also for the second time, I shall repeat that none of my arguments imply any pro-war feelings in American citizens. Have you actually read my posts? Just wondering...

if you want to put someone down, or make points, or views that aren't right, do it somewhere else where their arent people who dont know what they are talking about. And if you want to get really technically about it.
Exhitbit C, your honour...yet another insulting and unjustified comment. And what, exactly, is "views that aren't right" supposed to mean? Aww, does someone disagree with your views? Sorry about that, it happens. Oh and "aren't people who don't know what they are talking about" is a double negative...

Practice what you preach pal Go ahead and report me for this, but I was only defending a friend. And if I get in trouble, at least I know I did it to help someone else out, and if I'm banned since I have no warnings. I know Lea isn't the place that you should really be.
Ahh now there's an idea, possibly the most sensible thing you've said in the post, I could report you. You're defending a friend, and that's very admirable, but next time...try not to do the very thing you're complaining about...just makes it look like you don't know what you're doing.