Quote Originally Posted by Kossu View Post
I'm so sorry to hear that Nathalie. It sounds cruel to have to part from your pet like that...
Which is annoying too, because my landlord knows the cat, has seen the cat, and knows it wouldn't ruin anything and just sleeps all the time.

1.Favorite season of the year?

I hate summer, way too warm, yes even in Belgium, I get sick quite easily when heat hits 25°C.

2.Favorite alcoholic beverage?

Baileys ^^
And Cider, I'm NUTS for Cider!

3.Other than TLK stuff, do you collect anything else?

I have a small (small = as in = about 110) tsums.
But I don't see it as collecting, as I'm not out to get all of them, I just get the ones I like best.

4.Do you play videogames?

I'm not really much of a gamer.
I do have a Nintendo 8-bit with 2 games, gameboy with 2 games, Playstation 2 with 4 games (of which 2 are Buzz games, so not actual gaming games).
As you can see, not much games, haha.
I also have the red Mario Anniversary Wii, I do have quite some games for that, but I hardly play apart from the original Mario games and Wii Fit.

5.Sea or mountains (or neither)?

I love seeing nature, I'm not that much a fan of walking in nature, lol (bugs and stuff, haha).
I'm definatly not a sea-sun-beach person, I don't lie on the beach, I don't swim.
But I do love the envirement. I love walking down the beach, sunset, and hearing the sea in the distance when waking up in the morning (Adam's mom has a holiday home at the beach, absolutely love it there!).

6.Do you drink tea or coffee? Favorite flavour?

But, I drink tea on a very rare occasion, when I'm very sick (cold, flu, things like that), so I do make sure I have camomille tea in the house, with honey.