It's harder for me, becuase I have nothing to do during the week, or no one to go out with and such.
(I have a sister, but ... we're not on the same level, haha)
I try to find things to keep me busy during the week, but I'm not doing so well the past weeks eather :s so it's really hard lately.

It's easier on him, because he's never bored ... he's working today at a friends house, and he has a huge garden, and now with this sunny weather that needs a lot of attention too (he grows veggy's, which we'll be selling at a local market in august, which is fun, I helped out last year too) and I'm not so much of a gardner, I usually just hang around his garden or lay on the grass or make dinner when it's time for that, so this weekend I would mostly just be in his way, lol. (which I really don't mind though )

I knew in advance summer would be hard, but I don't mind just sitting around there just so I get to talk to him anyways, I do help a little though, but the bugs freak me out and then I give up