Quote Originally Posted by Lyonize View Post
These days, I'm looking to the future. I'm working on self-improvement now. I want to be the best person I can be for the lioness that comes into my life. I'm about to move into an apartment closer to work. I'll be living on my own, which I'm actually looking forward to. It'll allow me to focus on developing myself mentally, physically, and emotionally, without the distraction of people around me who are already where I want to be.

Finally, I want to reach out to anyone who may have been through the same thing, or maybe you're in that dark pit now. You're not alone. It will end. You will feel happiness again.
I'm glad to hear you're picking up after yourself and working on self improvement. I'm sure moving into your own apartment will do you good I'm kind of on the same page, working on myself to be economically stable and preparing to move out whenever I'm ready. I'm still hopeful a new romance may spark at some point, even though I still feel very lonely more times than I'd like to admit, and sometimes I get cynical too. I'm learning to be patient, and I'm slowly boosting my confidence, so... who knows, maybe I'll be in a good shape when it finally happens.

And also, thanks for those last words in your post, I know deep inside that you're right. Remember that to yourself too

Quote Originally Posted by KanuTGL View Post
Ah, love life. The sentiment that "lovers come and go, but friends remain" is, I think, one of the biggest lies I've been told. Every time a friend of mine finds love, I lose them

Most recently, my previously-single best friend and I swore that if we find partners we'd never become one of those "boring couples" that just isolate themselves and "forget" to hang out with their friends. Buut - she found a partner and has now herself become part of a "boring" couple of exactly the variety we've talked about. I barely see or hear from her now, whereas before we'd see each other frequently and talk often. I know that's what can happen, but I can't help but feel slightly abandoned since we've really talked about it and said that neither of us would do that :C Point being, I don't think it should be that difficult to maintain both friendships and a relationship - or is it?
I can't say this is the case with all of my friends, since I still hang out with a couple of them who are married (Not as often as we used to before, but we're still friends), but it did happen with some other friends before. I get to see them sometimes for a special occasion like a birthday or something, but with them it's always the same conversation that starts with "what has been of you?" and ends with "We should hang out more often", only to leave it like that and not see each other again for months -.-

I guess it's easier when you're friends with both your friend and their partner. Like, they both have their own life together, but like to hang around with you because you're all friends. At least that's the case with the friends I still get so see often, sure, I get to feel some degree of jealousy, but at least they don't totally ignore me, which I'm grateful for (although that may change with time, I guess)

That said, I know it can't be the same for everyone. I agree that it shouldn't be that difficult to maintain a balance between friendships and relationships, and I wish you didn't have to deal with that, Kanu. Here's hoping things will change for you at some point, and hey, at least you still have us Lea friends here for you