It's rather similiar here in Germany, too.
Mothers can stay at home for 8 weeks after the child's birth. However, with Kiana things were a little bit different. I could stay at home for 12 weeks, because she needed some extra care since she was decared "small for gestational age". That's because she only weighted about 2300 grams when she was born. She was such a small little doll

After 12 weeks, I decided to take a "parental leave" from my job. I think that's how it's called. It follows the "maternaty leave" and so I was able to stay at home for up to 3 years which is really great. But I only chose 2 years, because of financial reasons as I didn't get my salary during that time. Isn't that obvious XD
Thus my husband had to provide for the three of us. Meanwhile he got a new job abroad, but back then things were really difficult. But with no relatives around and a small child at home, it was the only option I had and I'm glad I could spend so much time with Kiana. And I did get some "supporting money" for about 10 months so that we were able to pay all the bills from the hospital and such. Actually, this is quite confusing and it wasn't much compared to a regular salary.
But together with our savings we somehow got around. So yeah.. now that she's 2 years old and can go to the "kindergarten", I'm back at work.

I'm glad because I've really missed it! Of course caring for your child is nice and all, but there are so many times you just get a cabin feever. And it's also great that I could go back to my old school. That's also something I don't take for granted. it was possible, because because many people come and go at my school and normally, people don't want to go there voluntarily. It's quite a "rough" place and we have a lot of problems to deal with but hey... it's home!