Quote Originally Posted by nathalie View Post
I've been having like, a cough, like once per hour, so naturally, I'm already starting to think I'll be dead within 2 weeks. As that's just what my brain does.
But, I've just had a bit of a nasty cold over a week ago, and usually, it ends with having a bad cough, so it's probably just that lingering.
Thankfully, I have about 90 chill-pills left, haha!
Meh, same. I've had a cough for about 3 weeks, then this week my ears are clogging up and post-nasal drip, it's probably allergies since it's that time of year. Of course I'm convinced my chest feels tight, but it's probably the constant anxiety causing it. Then my throat tastes funny, from the tooth infection. So all in all I'm convinced I'm dying. Plus I live with my mother who'se immune compromised, so naturally I feel like I'm going to kill her, too. It's rough. I don't have any chill pills, only these herbal chewy anti-stress things that don't do a damn thing for this level of anxiety.

Other than that, not much has changed, I'm still working 5 days a week just from the laptop at home. It's nice to be able to pet my dog Wally while things are printing, he's very elderly and the silver lining to all this is that I've been able to spend this time with him. I've felt bad leaving for work the last few months seeing how old he's getting. So now I get to smush him up on the couch whenever I can squeeze in a break. I'll be sad to go back to the office when this is over.

So I'm mostly just sitting around being sad and anxious, yikes. o_O Disney+, garden planning/preparing, and online genealogy is the only things saving me, lol.