I saw it, and I sort of have a... weird mix of emotions about it? Like, on one hand, it was actually better than I thought it would be, but it wasn't... good? The character designs were lazy, the music was forgettable, it felt more like some straight to DVD crap rather than a big budget Disney affair. Plus I'm reaaaally not a big fan of what Disney's doing with their princess movies lately--changing their names to some random adjective (Tangled, Frozen), focusing on comic relief characters/the male love interests in the trailers, ugh. And for a movie supposedly about the bond between sisters, they hardly have any screentime together, which I thought was disappointing. x__x Anna was waaay more screentime with her love interest.

There were some things I was pleasantly surprised by, though. Elsa is a great character, and I loved the relationship between her and Anna--it's too bad neither got a lot of screentime. They did something interesting with the whole "true love will break the spell" trope at the climax, which I wasn't expecting and really, really liked. Let It Go was a good song, beautifully preformed, but the animation during that scene is soooo awkward it's better just listening to the song on its own, I think. Like Elsa looks directly at the camera at the end and flashes some random Dreamworks sexy face to the audience, what the heck. :/

Also, I hated the snowman at first too but he's so not bad on film, really.