Quote Originally Posted by nathalie View Post
I got my bunny today

I wanted a ginger one with white/black spots, but he didn't like the color, and I really wasn't in the mood to start an argument about the fact that it would be "my" rabbit so I could choose ...

Anyways ...

We came across this cute little one, in very soft grey / ginger colors, and we both loved it ^^

When we were walking home, he was like: isn't sad, just one?
And we turned around and got the grey/brown one too, lol.

They are both girls, not from the same litter, so we were very lucky they get along, hehe.
Oh wow! They're so beautiful! Such beautiful little girls. Just make extra sure that they are both girls just in case, lol. You're so lucky! It's funny that you ended up with two, but it's good that they're bonded, hopefully it stays that way as they get older

I do have a question, are you going to get them desexed? I only ask because I've read that ovarian cancer (or whatever type it is) is quite common with females that aren't desexed. They are gorgeous though