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Thread: Scar debate

  1. #41
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    I accept all your opinions.. no offense..
    But how missunderstood he is doens't matter.. he's still evil and he has'nt got any excuse for killing lions (Mufasa and almost Simba).. okay just jealosity and that he is an insane murder.
    I can't say I was glad that he died in the end of the movie.
    But that was the only thing Simba could do and I would have done the same. Scar is a liar.

  2. #42
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    Actually, the way someone is raised does, in fact, effect the kind of person(or in this case, lion) they turn out to be. Studies have proven that a vast majority of those that end up criminals and murderers grew up not having a father or mother and/or neglectful parents. So yeah, having a neglectful family run by favoritism could've certainly been what drove Scar to insanity, murder, and lying.

  3. #43
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    Then it was the only thing for Simba to do. To kill him.

  4. #44
    Senior Member Sombolia's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Nalinda
    Then it was the only thing for Simba to do. To kill him.
    Simba didn't kill him, Simba knocked him into a pit of hungry hyenas who ate him alive.

  5. #45
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    Well, that's true. But he was a big reason that Scar died.

  6. #46
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    Originally posted by Ravoc
    The problem's in one's life does not excuse them for their wrongful actions, no matter how horrible their life.

    Whether Scar is a tragic character or not? I think so.
    Of course I think he was wrong, but I know a horrible childhood can do that. o_o

  7. #47
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    I agree with Ravoc there.

  8. #48
    Senior Member Sombolia's Avatar
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    Okay then, well.. if Simba was largely responsible for Scar's death, and if we all have to take control of our actions, and if killing is NEVER the answer, then isn't Simba, logically, just as bad as Scar?

  9. #49
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    But Simba didn't kill Scar lol

    In fact, Simba didn't want to even fight with his uncle at all. He asked him to leave, Scar refused the 'offer', and nearly killed Simba again. Then made his fatal mistake (telling Simba the truth).

    Then Scar and Simba began fighting. Simba flung Scar off of Pride Rock into the hyenas. Now.. notice Simba's reaction when he flings Scar down. He instantly runs over to the edge to see if Scar is alright.

    Scar felt no guilt at all when he killed Mufasa and almost Simba (twice), he felt pleasure, it's apparent by his facial expressions and his actions.

    The hyenas killed Scar

    If Simba had killed Scar, one could say 'eye for an eye' and all that. And then whether it was right of Simba to have done that (which he didn't btw xP ) is up to each person's own mindset.

    Or to put it in Scar's words; "Truth is in the eye of the beholder" x)

  10. #50
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    Logically but now emotionally. He did'nt want his pride to die, he did'nt want to die himself.. And he wanted to have pay back time for all the evil things that Scar did. And in this situation I think the emotially is the right.. I mean.. they're not supposed to be human. I mean.. if they were human Scar would have gone to prison!

  11. #51
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    i don't like villans but Scar does make a good one

  12. #52
    Senior Member Shatara's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Sombolia
    Okay then, well.. if Simba was largely responsible for Scar's death, and if we all have to take control of our actions, and if killing is NEVER the answer, then isn't Simba, logically, just as bad as Scar?
    To say killing is NEVER the answer is a fallacy.

  13. #53
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    Umm, about Simba never wanting to fight Scar? I think the lines, "either step down or fight," would come into play. Remember, Scar isn't normally one for fighting. He let's the hyenas do the dirty work for him. So really, Simba was the one that wanted to start the fight. He was actually using real lion behavior by doing so.

  14. #54
    Senior Member Sombolia's Avatar
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    Guys, what I posted wasn't my opinion, I was simply using their own logic against them, so to speak. I'm perfectly aware Simba didn't kill Scar, as I am also aware that Scar probably deserved to die.

  15. #55
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    Originally posted by Sombolia
    I was thinking that.. I hated CotPL.

    Taka must've been a real sissy if he got beat up by a magic white honey badger. Geez.
    Originally posted by Ravoc
    Yes! When I read that I just raised an eyebrow at it, "What the heck?!" x) Glad someone agrees.
    Originally posted by Xinithian
    Yeah, the honey badger scarring was lame. But I actually really liked CotPL, even if it did have some religious undertones.
    I would want to say:

    For the record, the supposed-scary stuff is that curse cast by rafiki soon after. The evil driving rafiki was futher developed in Shadow of Makei and have a so-desired scary scene about Sarabi and Elanna discovered the dark pool inside the PrideRock. Another node linking to this is in The Leonine Saga which explain the derivation of the Makei......(here passed a 1000 words essay)

    but I kinda figured never a CotPL hater will through the first novel so... I forgot what I'm gonna say

    back to Scar, never a fanfic I know did a convincing job about how a sibling-murderer are produced by supposingly perfect family. to say Ahadi is selfish and cruel-hearted is just altered the problem. murdering of Mufasa itself lacks the angle of realism. Will kill an ally just to invite more powerful and distrustful ones make sense to a clever Villain? None of the famous fear-self defence or ambition-insanity formula seems fit here, Scar is perfectly conscious and bold. What I'd believe most, is that he is incredibly romantic about his supremacy over Mufasa, or rahter, the concept kingship, which he recivied too much from his self-reproach father. Ahadi was always serious about his social role and likely revalue everyone in every day. Mufasa's insensibility in a way helped him to successfully depart from his father's pawprint in his coming of age. On other hand, Scar deeply believed his father's perfectionism, and, as he turned out to be a genetic variation, the feeling of being left out and not like his father in appearing start to desocialize him. Scar in the movie chose isolated life surrounded by hyenas over his natural comfort of family and wealth reflect his belief that he lived in a much less world than his father and borther, and his subconsious desire to sorb everyone into his world. this image is not fiting Scar in his every behavior. So, I finally give up the effort to figur out "what is like of a real Scar" ,so ...
    hope you had fun in reading my madness

  16. #56
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    Originally posted by Shatara
    To say killing is NEVER the answer is a fallacy.
    thats were the saying never says never comes in

  17. #57
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    I don't think Scar is pure evil, although obviously not a nice guy. I suspect he became disillusioned with all his daddy's junk about how Mufasa is the rightful king, and hence grew hostile to Mufasaism. I can't blame him.

    That said, he is not a character who I admire. He proved to be incompetent as a ruler during the drought (although whether Mufasa would have been any better had he ruled during such a time is something we can't be sure about), and he was a murder-plotter as well.

    And then there's his law about reserving hunting to lionesses. I took that as restricting the starving hyenas to scrounge on the lionesses' leftovers (I assume that finding a comprimise between the hyenas and the prejudiced lionesses was involved).

    [SIZE=small]C'mon, does anyone really believe the ridiculous, anti-hyena assumptions that the hyenas were too lazy to do their own hunting? They have been shown to be perfectly willing to hunt on their own.[/SIZE]

  18. #58
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    Wow. Soo many opinions... o.o

    I think Scar is the best Disney villian. I've always loved his attitude and hhis song and his character design ( those eyes... @.@ )

    I think that Scar was obviously bitter about not being able to rule, but he still loved his brother. Not for a second do I believe that Scar ever hated Mufasa entirely. He was Mufasa's younger brother, and somewhere in his heart he loved him. Yes, even as he was throwing him off a cliff, Scar loved his brother. Because I just don't think that siblings can ever truly hate each other with every inch of their being. I also think that Scar banning the name Mufasa from ever being spoken was because he hurt inside about what he did and didn't want to be reminded. This is, however, my belief and it may not be at all true.

    Furthermore, I think he was a true villian. There's no doubt he intended to kill Mufasa and Simba, and he showed no outward remorse after they both "died". He didn't stop the hyenas from ruining the Pridelands. And he was absolutely insane, although quite possibly one of the smartest villians to be created *ever*. I mean, he went for so long without his deeds being caught because it was so well planned. If he had gotten his way, there would have been no flaws and he would have ruled until Kovu was old enough to take over. ( Or Nala found help, whichever route you wanna take - I'm going for the former. ^_~ ) He may have been misunderstood, but his intentions after Simba's birth were clear. He wanted them dead so he could rule. And yes, while I do think part of him loved Mufasa, his desire to be king overruled any love he felt and drove him to plan first the Elephant Graveyard ordeal and then the double murder.

  19. #59
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    He didn't stop the hyenas from ruining the Pridelands.
    It was a drought; the hyenas probably had nothing to do with it.

  20. #60
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    Personally, I think the story writers wanted us to believe that due to Scar's bad and unrightful leadership, the lands suffered. The hyenas only added to it.

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