Quote Originally Posted by Feral View Post
Instead of wasting space replying, I agree with Pnt word for word. He said it perfectly. The concept of marriage, originally strictly a religious ceremony and status, has been so convoluted by government that it is tough to argue one way or another. Marriage has basically become to entirely different things that we do in one ceremony. Go ahead and get married with some government issued peace of paper. I don't think it matters in the eyes of God. You and your partner need to talk spiritual marriage with him. While the Bible blatantly says that two people of the same gender who sleep together will go to Hell, I will leave it to God to make his own judgment.
Agree with the quote and 2 quote above!

I do have a few close gay or homosexual friends and I live in a different direction from them! My points to them are avoid any religion standpoint and belief on marriage and way of life. Most of my encounter are spiritual person than a religious gay person. I tend to say to my gay friends to avoid any affiliation on any religion organization to avoid any inner conflict. The conflict in my opinion and still question are stand between moral, will of life, and deeds in our lives!

If I'm gay and have a conflict against my religion I believe I should be prosecute over my action as my heart devoted more towards Allah/God himself than my own sexuality.