What can't I stand...

-Gangster people
-People who consider hunting a sport
-People who hunt but don't need to, they just do it for the 'trophy'
-Extremists (in anything, extreme reilgion, extreme sports, extreme talking.. moderation people "")
-Driving with my Mom or older sister in the car -____-;
-When I can't find what I'm looking for
-The IWndows Blue Screen of Death
-People from Sweden (j/k Boos ^^)
-Cursing/swearing (It's not required, it doesn't improve your speech, it makes you sound stupid)
-People that say 'like' after every word (refer to the above comment on Cursing/swearing)
-People who drive around with their stereos cranked up all the way (May your eardrums explode >< Or at least your speakers)
-Several members on this forum, that shall go unmentioned
-Snobs! I loathe all of you snobs out there May you all drop dead sometime int he near future! =)
-Fakers, people who say they are against (ex: angst) yet they show (ex: angst) all the time.
-SPAM, all kinds.

There are more, but I cna't recall them at the moment

EDIT: Ah, I thoughnt of some more:

-People that are driving while talking on the cell phone, or playing with the radio, or doing something besides driving! Quit endangering everyone elses lives.
-People that continously talk during a movie, especially one you've never seen before
-Annoying people in movie theaters. People who talk, people with cell phones on, people that are way too tall sitting right in front of you. People that spill their drinks and food all over the floor. Custodians that don't clean up said food and drinks.
-People that continously log on and off of IM services.
-My Mom and others like her during a movie (she has this horrible habit of asking me what happens during the movie. I hate that. I don't want to spoil the movie for her. ANd she evens asks when I haven't even seent he movie, so I basically say 'I don't know!' and she replies 'I was only asking'. If you don't want to watch the movie, then don't, go read a spoiler somewhere and be content, let the movie goers watch it in peace.