Quote Originally Posted by Lucy View Post
I remember reading the book as a kid, and I've seen the movie a bunch of times. I even own it still. The movie's probably the most violent family movie I've ever seen. They can't even really show blood on tv before a certain time (I'm looking at you, Doctor Who and Merlin, lol) yet this movie is rated Universal and it's so gory. I love it, but I was constantly upset by what happened to Hyzenthlay and Blackavar, and all the rabbits from Woundwort's warren in general. Also Bigwig for the win, he was always my favourite.

I even named my rabbit Hazel (even though she was a girl and kind of a demon. She ended up being the complete opposite of the Hazel in the books, lol).
Yes, I would never call Watership Down a family movie. I know I watched it when I was very young, I think it was just after Simba's Pride came out, I wanted to borrow it from the video store, but dad told me not to because I'd already seen it so I picked up watership down instead, bunnies! It didn't scare me, but I remember it being very compelling, and perhaps I didn't completely understand it. But it's definitely too scary for for very young kids.

I called my rabbit Hazel-rah too, though to most people who asked I would just say Hazel (because they wouldn't get the 'rah' bit) and then they would always complain that Hazel was a girls' name but my rabbit was a boy...

Quote Originally Posted by Feral View Post
I read and enjoyed both books, but I actually couldn't watch the film. The art style(very watercolory) bothered my eyes.
That's really strange... is it because the watercolour images are soft. Sometimes I find it harder to look at images that aren't crisp, because your eyes are straining to focus them more clearly? Glad you enjoyed the books though

Quote Originally Posted by Safila View Post
Love that song, it's so beautiful and very moving. The only thing I don't like about the sequence in the film (which isn't what's shown on the video) is that when the stylised image of Hazel is spinning over and over, it morphs into a tree, but it always makes me think of those damn car airfresheners. If you go to 1:35 of this video, you'll see what I mean http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkirtbpz5h4 Also, I started watching that video and I was tearing up, because of what blackberry says, and then how Fiver believes that he's not dead... man, I'm lame