Ah, a thread about spiders... one had to be made sooner or later...

Quote Originally Posted by Asikinari View Post
Do you like spiders?
The simple answer to this question is... NO!

I hate spiders with a passion for the most part. It depends on the size really on how much I freak out when I see one. I don't mind small spiders, or the ones that live outside (I can be near one of those, which is kind of weird ) but the bigger the spider, the more my arachnophobia kicks in. I can't even be in the same room as one, and I have to get someone else to kill it for me. And I know your frustration when you leave the room and come back to find the spider gone. It seems spiders like to play hide 'n seek. I can't sleep either knowing there's a spider on the loose around my room. I have to find it and kill it (or get someone to kill it), otherwise I end up having a sleepless night.

Here's a story that happened a while ago regarding spiders. I was on holiday around the hotel grounds. It was dark and the lighting wasn't very good. I saw something cross the path in front of me just missing my foot as I was walking... I swear I'd have stood on it if I had taken one extra step. It was about the size of a mouse, so I thought it was a mouse to begin with, but when my dad used his lighter to see what it was, it was a big fat ugly tarantula! I'll never forget that moment.

There are some things that crawl that I'm not afraid of, like for example rain beetles, but cockroaches are just as bad. Thankfully those are exposed to warmer climates, or very dirty places which I just stay clear of.