simba cocked his head as he altered his gaze slightly to intercept Malaika's. The calm breeze that flowed over the area where they all three sat ruffled the grasses and even less so the furrow of his brow as he looked upon the older lion with curiosity. How could he claim to not know nothing of hunting? Having fought in two wars that he had watched him leave for and having claimed the skills he did left Malaika in no position to claim no knowledge of hunting.

In retrospect he also balked a little at the lionesses assumption that he had no experience himself. Not that he blamed her. He was a cub afterall and quickly dismissed any sign of disapproval. She couldn't possibly know of the past he'd lived or what he'd had to deal with and so could not hold it against her. It was strange though, and only in times found far and few between did he give it more than a passing thought. His size was that of a cub. His heart, mind and spirit all holding the strength of youth. Yet the many seasons he'd seen, the many tragedies, they all told a different story. To be sure he had his own secrets to unlock in his own life. For now though, hunger called and he couldn't agree more with the sentiment the lioness proffered and quickly turned back to her to offer his help.

I'll go with you if you want? My dad told me he doesn't want me hunting when I'm this small but I'm good at exploring.