Okay, this is one i heard a while ago.

There was a man. He didn't know how to speak any words. (Okay, i forgot the whole part of this, so i'm gonna make it up. Maybe somebody else knows this joke and can tell what really happens here.) He went into a preschool and learned how to say "Me me me!". Than he went into a place for plastic surgery and learned how to say, "Needles and knives." . After this, he went into Walmart and went to the plug in section and learned how to say, "Plug it in plug it in." Well, he was walking home when he walked by a murder scene. One of the cops asked him, "Do you have any idea who did this?" And he replied, "Me me me!" The cop replied, "Oh really? What'd you kill him with?" And the man replied by saying, "Needles and knives." Furious, the cop put him in handcuffs and said, "I'm sorrry sir, you're gonna have to be put in the electric chair." And the man said, "Plug it in plug it in."
