Originally posted by Sombolia
I have an account there, but hardly use it. It's pretty much far away from Lea as it gets. XD

Not to mention, it's messy and a bit unorganized...


That's the best joke of today. *shakes your paw* .. =)

I don't know if you guys are used to it, but I still have difficulties adapting into this particular forum, because there's a huge amount of spam / offtopicness (usually) on just about every thread you can find. Added to that the use of multiple huge built-in smileys (which are nice when used a hunch more sparingly, don't get me wrong) + combination of average message lenght of just about only one sentence.. I really, really highly doubt Lilymud is messier than Leahalalela! *grins*

.. It's a forum for artists, just like the name says yes. I occasionally browse it, since I find it fun to look at the creations the artists post there. Not my place to join, really though.. as the only artform I master is the creation of stick-figures.


PS: I'm just talking about the messiness in general. Not the people. Y'all are great.