I just had a dream that I was staying with Leor, and we ended up taking a trip on a... flying motorcycle? Kind of like the one Hagrid in Harry Potter has, but this one had room for like 8 people or so. It just came by my bedroom window (which is weird, because I swear we were flying over Chihuahua, the city where Leor lives) and the guy driving it said they had 2 free seats, so me and Leor hopped on.

While we were flying on there, the motorcycle made a sharp bank to the left, and I almost fell. But Leor grabbed my hand (there was a partition in the centre which separated us too, since the only free seats were one on each side). What would've been useful though would have been some seatbelts, or restraints like you see on rides at a theme park. But it was a great dream, and is actually a new idea for a picture I might draw.