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Thread: New Poem Inspired by TLK: Serengeti Storm

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    Post New Poem Inspired by TLK: Serengeti Storm

    I found inspiration for this poem when I awoke last Saturday at about 4 in the morning to the sounds of thunderclaps and rain thudding against the windowpane. I couldn't get back to sleep, so I just lay in bed, listening to the lonely sounds of a Southern California storm- weather very unique to us. Later that day the winds picked up and it even hailed at one point! And the more I listened and watched, the more I felt the need to capture the moment, and this poem almost wrote itself. Hope you like it!

    Serengeti Storm
    By 2 Die FR

    Listen, as I reminisce
    Of cubhood times I sorely miss?

    Sun stretched golden fingers bright
    O?er the rolling landscape might
    Grasses touched by blinding light
    Yes, Child, I remember when
    It was the Pridelands, as I knew it then.

    Evening fell, and heavens clear
    Overlaid with cloud clumps drear
    Shrouded by a murky smear
    Source from which the rains begot
    It was the storm cloud, though I knew it not.

    With no pretext we were shunt
    From our nightly dinner hunt
    All knew why, save one small runt
    Na?ve to the danger fraught
    It was the wet season, though I knew it not.

    Songs of somnolent snoring deep
    Stubbornly subsiding sleep
    As I felt foreboding creep
    Stomach taut in nervous knot
    It was instinct, though I knew it not.

    Nose inhaled a humid hung
    Piling on the stench of dung
    Hint of morbid things to come
    Wafting, lurking through the den
    It was a warning, though I knew not when.

    Ears pricked to the pitter patter
    From outside, a creepy clatter
    Sheets of clear descending water
    I believed not ear nor eye
    It was the rain, though I knew not why.

    Then a deep, resounding rumble
    Some behemoth lion?s grumble
    Roared to make assurance tumble
    Fierce intruder raised a scare
    It was the thunder, though I knew not where.

    From the darkness came so frightening
    Flashed intense, ignited brightening
    Struck a thin-streaked bolt of lightning
    Gone at once but left a terror
    All I knew was panicked horror.

    Wailing, whimpering, weeping strong
    Freed distress I?d held so long
    What, oh what was going on?
    Was the world about to end?
    I knew not how to comprehend?

    Ceaselessly I kept on screaming
    Wishing dearly I was dreaming
    Hoped I?d wake to Mother beaming
    But I knew that fright so real
    Nightmares could not make me feel.

    Cozy comfort cooed inside
    Knowing that I could confide
    I was with my caring pride
    Their scent a friendly, pleasing smell
    It was my family, and I knew them well.

    Huddled close to one another
    Father, uncle, sister, brother
    I aroused my resting mother
    Knowing she could empathize
    And give her calming solace wise.

    ?Do not fear, my little child
    For though the storm is fierce and wild
    Filled with malice, irked and riled
    Soon enough, the storm will cease
    And earth restored to calm and peace.?

    Thus the Serengeti flooding
    Buried dormant, soaked and mudding
    Grasses, trees, and flowers budding
    With the storm comes joy, not tragic
    It was the circle of life, and I learned of its magic.

    Licks and kisses she caressed
    My tender, loving lioness
    Sat I amazed how I was blessed
    But I lay still without a peep
    For I knew it was nighttime, a time for sleep.

  2. #2
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    You have just Seriously Impressed me! That was a masterly piece of poetry!

    Your rhyme scheme, with AAABB, the first three in a row give it a Poe-like quality... several rhymes in a row...

    And the descriptive word choice...

    And the clear message conveyed...

    KEEP WRITING! I want to read more poems of yours!

    Great work.

  3. #3
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    Thanks so much, Darkslash! I guess I did benefit from the poetry unit I'm doing right now in language arts. And I WILL write more, provided I get those 'inspiring moments' more often!

    ...Now that I think about it, I usually get inspiration either daydreaming in my room, in bed or while I'm taking a shower...any free time I get when my mind is left free to wander, wonder about things...:Psst:

  4. #4
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    Poetry is a great medium of expression... though it can be a pain to learn in school, actually writing it makes it worth it!

  5. #5
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    Originally posted by Darkslash
    Poetry is a great medium of expression... though it can be a pain to learn in school, actually writing it makes it worth it!
    Oh, oh, Darkslash I want to put that in flashing lights for all the world to see! It is SUCH a pain to pull apart dull, prosaic poems and find meaning statements...I suppose it is worthwhile in the long run, but I worry sometimes that my LA teacher isn't showing us (that is, the other students) the real beauty of poetry- writing poems yourself.
    It is SO much fun!

  6. #6
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    Yeah, I'm used to sucking dry all the meaning of poems... especially Whitman and Dickinson, as well as Longfellow and other Romantics... but that's just my AP class for 'ya. I think it's fascinating, but I didn't really appreciate poems until I wrote 'em, and I was proud

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    And, of course, writing them on worthwhile subjects

  8. #8
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    2 Die For, your poetry is die for!!!

    Oh am I ever a grouchy one, but this is definately a place for complementing, well done!!!
    I'm sure we'd all love to read more of your work. ^^

  9. #9
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    My fingers are crossed...inspiration knows no boundaries, but if I can use an analogy from my own poem, it works like lightning- one brilliant flash and it's gone!

    -Which is why I typically keep a small notebook and pen in my pocket at all times

  10. #10
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    ^ smart idear...

  11. #11
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    Originally posted by 2 Die FR
    My fingers are crossed...inspiration knows no boundaries, but if I can use an analogy from my own poem, it works like lightning- one brilliant flash and it's gone!

    -Which is why I typically keep a small notebook and pen in my pocket at all times
    I second that, 2DR. I enjoy writing poetry as well as books/small pieces. That truly was a fantastic poem! I also like the comment that your rhyme scheme AAABB was quite amazing. I've seen to many free verse poems and it's good to see a change by you 2DR. Poetry does come within an inspiration. Judging by what you've conjured, you seem to have a knack, a talent for poetry writing. I'm sure you've considered entering your poem into a contest at some point or another, that I'm sure of. I seem to, anyways. Anyways, awesome poem! and keep it up. I truly look forward to seeing other poems you've created. I really should post some of my own. Oh, you've done more than hoped us to like it 2DR, I thought it was really mind-capturing, well to me anyways; since I was one to witness the rain.

    Heh, it was raining pretty bad yesterday and today. =/ I'm glad you posted that poem.

  12. #12
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    I truly look forward to seeing other poems you've created. I really should post some of my own. Oh, you've done more than hoped us to like it 2DR, I thought it was really mind-capturing, well to me anyways; since I was one to witness the rain.
    Yeah we need a thread for posting poetry or something... 'cuz I didn't know there was so much poetry action here! And Africa/TLK is such rich subject matter! I have a few of my own...

    But yes, 2DR... those were very enthralling, mentally engaging poems!

    (I can't get enough of 'em, can I?

  13. #13
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    Aw shucks, guys...I'm really glad you all liked it. *beams* It just flows for me...I don't want to make myself out to be a showoff or some praise-seeking jerk though, so please...all pride aside, I love poetry. It's something that just comes natural, and it was fun writing it. I think that if you can write something that captivates the mind to think about something on a deeper level, long after you've read it...It does the same thing that makes TLK so enduring to me. So that's why I decided to share that with you...

  14. #14
    Super Moderator Azerane's Avatar
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    wow... 2 Die FR that is absolutly amazing, such great imagery, and I love how you've written it from the perspective of the lion. It's such a beautiful piece of poetry, I could see everything you were describing so clearly. Seriously, well done.
    That which you manifest is before you.

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    And no, you wouldn't be some showoff or praise-seeking jerk, you shouldn't say that about yourself. Your poem was magnificent and it deserved to be praised! As well as the creator of it. Great job 2DR. Poems that have been put into much thought, consideration and time, really capture the spirit of the poet, the person who is writing it, you really get to understand every bit of what they are expressing to their audience, and that, really sets the flavor of the atmosphere and the aura of it. It's what you've managed to create and have done here. What you have, your talent is irresplaceable as well as the poem, to capture a single feeling at that moment in time, it's almost as if your' seeing a photograh. Inspiration brings even more creativity and liveliness to it. So don't render yourself down, you're too modest. This is your poem and these are your feelings in that exact moment in time. I'm glad you've shared us this incredible poem, 2DR. Don't be shy about it. Honest.

    Since you began this could turn it into your own personal poem thread. If you'd like.

    EDIT: Remember 2DR, It's all about the flava'. XD

  16. #16
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    Originally posted by Kenyi
    Remember 2DR, It's all about the flava'. XD
    Oh yes, it is, it really is

    But thank you so much Kenyi I won't be so hesitant to share my work anymore...

    And yes, if I come up with more poems, this will be the place to find 'em

    Edit: WHEN I come up with more poems!!

  17. #17
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    Great poem 2 Die FR!!

  18. #18
    The Alpha Wolf Returns Aurelian's Avatar
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    Absouluty heart warming 2 Die 4! Keep up the good work.

    Originally posted by Darkslash
    I have a few of my own...
    Yes you do, Darkslash. You to are a master poet. I still have those wolf poems you wrote.
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  19. #19
    Senior Member LunarCat's Avatar
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    That's really wonderful 2 Die Fr. its very good. i mean really really good.

  20. #20
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    With a stroke of coincidence and a little encouragement (stay kenyi! ) there is a district teen poetry contest and I'm seriously considering entering.

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