I will be placing updates here about what is happening in role play with my character.

Of paths and tale's
Having watched simbaji for some time the small journey takes them outside the pridelands where the cub comes across another lion. Malaika is called out of hiding by the cub. After consulting with the cub Malaika tell's him about another journey that he must make and asks the cub to come along. Agree's to come and watches as the lion slinks back off into the grasses. Malaika watched while slowly falling asleep. When Simbaji fell asleep Malaika got up and laid by him.

Second journey
Malaika woke in the morning hours after dreaming and looked at himself in the watehole remeber all that he had been through. Near-by the cub still laid asleep in the grasses. Malaika had let him sleep in a bit. After a while Malaika tried to wake the cub for the journey ahead.