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I don't support Evolution. It has nothing to do with religion, as I hold no religious beliefs at present.
In college they lectured how spiders previously could not make a web but then learned to do this. I seriously began to question what would motivate any cell or being into evolution. No. I believe what species exists on Earth today is such a small percentage of what is left. In the past there was such a road spectrum of things.
I read, close to California in the 70's there was this slab on the side of a mountain showing, in great detail layer of crusts which was evidence of things through time. There was an earthquake that caused this layer formation to thrust up more exposing a tree. This tree was embedded in several layers at once. Obviously the tree didn't exist over billions of years, it'd been trapped in some lava and sediment in one event. There have also been records of TRex prints, a smilodan and a man's footprints in one river bed. All three existing at the same point in time, paralleled? Probably not, but that's just the point, there's these methods that don't prove anything to me honestly.
Logical? I see so many holes. Similar to religion. You know, all these scientists come up with the same stor, "We've found exactly what we were looking for!" and that's the first sign...they're looking for something specific, what they want. I believe this is the case with evolution. We want an answer that makes sense, and sure it does if you fit this this this and this here here and here but move it out of it's place and all these questions errupt that ..seem to be founded on more assumption than fact. Evolution is the battle of Faith VS Fact that's been going on since the dawn of time. Show me, now I believe. Don't show me, not worth my investment. This is an instinctive reaction actually. The man I'm with believes in evolution. I don't believe in it, I'm ok with the unknown, not knowing. For me, evolution is a type of colored glasses to life, it's a choice. Same with if a God has created me from the dust of the earth, or the trees walked together one day and made us from..fish...in the sea. Etc. It's irrelevant to present goings on. furthermore I find many people believing in evolution using it as a means to justify there more primitive nature which is a sorry excuse..but these are people you can detect easily and I'm not saying anyone here is this way.
I believe apes and man lived paralleled through the ages. There was no evolution, and like all things even going on presently, certain specifies became weeded out. Extinction is a natural process. I don't things are evolving or ever have. That's my opinion and that's all.