Quote Originally Posted by nathalie View Post
It's just nice at the holiday home, view of the sea, quiet (just how I like it, I can't stand a lot neighbour noise).
Same, I quite appreciate a quiet hotel/ room/ etc., especially if it's close to nature. Also did I mention how I'm dying to go to a place by the sea, aaaah.

@Taneli; That's quite an impressive travel list! I'm so impressed by how much some of you fellow Lea members have traveled.

@ThiagoPE; That's a pity Thiago. It quite surprises me to hear that, since Brazil is quite a big country. Northern and Central Europe has a pretty good train system, the Balkans not so much, still possible to travel though. Other than Europe, I only know of the Transiberian railway, which also seems reaaaally cool(also kind of in my bucket list, haha). Perhaps the US has also an interesting train system for such a journey? I wonder.