Sounds terrible, I hope you are feeling better now Nathalie.

And I was also quite doubtful whether I will like the studies, because of stuff like what both Nathalie and Kanu mentioned, but whatever doubts I had went away when I started the studies, which is so very interesting. Some things I honestly am still terrified of, but in the end I believe the good stuff outweighs the bad stuff.

Right now it's not much fun though. Most classes are online(understandably), on average I go to the university once per week for practicals. The online part doesn't bother me, what bothers me is that organization from professors etc. has been very, very bad so far (which is shocking for my experience with dutch standards). It really seems like they had the impression that classes would resume normally after September, which isn't the case at all. And with the wild increase in covid-19 cases here again, I wonder how it'll go.