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Thread: What are you doing right now?: Return of the Sequel

  1. #21
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    I hear you.
    Went to a job agency on Tuesday, for a receptionist job, a very good job, loads of different tasks.
    Full time, in town, 5 minute walk.

    Instead I'm walking out (almost), with a temp job for a month "copy typing".
    Next town, 50 minute travel, and by train.

    Are you kidding me? Over the phone all great and all, but once they see me "eww no, can't put that at reception".
    So, first I'm great, got the skills, the experience, but then you take 1 look at me, the way I look, or dress, and that automatically makes me a dumbass in your eyes?
    As that's kind of what it comes down to.

    I felt so humiliated
    Especially, since the girl who was contacting me over the phone and e-mail, couldn't even change certain things in the standard mail they sent out to people, and her phrases were build very wrong, and full of typo's.
    Like: girl, I SHOULD BE DOING YOUR JOB!!!

    She asked me on Monday over the phone to go to their website to fill out all kinds of info.
    Personal stuff, work stuff, etc ...
    I get there on Tuesday "please fill this out": all the same things I had done the day before online, they wanted it written too now.

    I'm barerely out the door, and she mails me ?? "can you please go online again and fill out more things".
    I mail back that I done everything it asked from me "no, address and date of birth".


    An absolute joke.

    Sorry, I really needed to vent and get this out, I've been so upset since I got back home from that "appointment".
    I've never felt this bad coming from a job agency. 36 years old, feeling so humiliated, by knowing I'm good enough, but they take one look at you, and all they can offer is the crap jobs.

    Lea Members I've met...
    LKD 1x, Sharifu 2x, STM 2x, This Land 8x, Lucy 11x, Amy 1x, LKS 2x, KanuTGL 1x, Dani 2x, Dan 2x
    Shadow 1x, King Simba 2x, Nephilim 1x, Naline 1x, jazzybbunny 3x, cleargreenwater 1x, HasiraKali 1x, Vidan 1x
    avater = Sharifu

  2. #22
    Senior Member Kossu's Avatar
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    Wow, Nathalie that sounds absolutely disgusting...I’m sorry you had to deal with such awful and unprofessional folk.

    I wish best of luck to both you and Kanu on the job searching. It can be so challenging and nerve wrecking, but don’t let them get to you.

    I should get on the job searching soon as well. There are a few setbacks at the moment. In general, the last 2 months have been very trying and there’s been a lot to deal with on different levels. Somedays I feel like I can’t even process it all anymore. And it’s not going to get better until after June it seems.

    One positive thing is, that if all goes well, in about a month we’re going to move to a place of our own. I definately won’t miss our 20 square meter studio.
    Avatar by the talented KanuTGL

  3. #23
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    I've been in the "job hunt business" ever since 2003 (I've only managed to have a job for about 5 years in total since then), so I am used to being treated not so well by the girls working in these job offices. (the guys are usually a lot nicer to work with, the girls usually just look down on you anyways).

    But this time now, it completely threw me off for days, I was so upset.

    I did have a job interview 5 min away, 2 weeks ago, but, off course, no call back.
    Story of my life.

    Hopefully things will get better for you before June! We've only just entered March.

    Lea Members I've met...
    LKD 1x, Sharifu 2x, STM 2x, This Land 8x, Lucy 11x, Amy 1x, LKS 2x, KanuTGL 1x, Dani 2x, Dan 2x
    Shadow 1x, King Simba 2x, Nephilim 1x, Naline 1x, jazzybbunny 3x, cleargreenwater 1x, HasiraKali 1x, Vidan 1x
    avater = Sharifu

  4. #24
    Senior Member Kossu's Avatar
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    Just came back from fhe supermarket. Pasta and rice shelf: empty. Toilet paper shelf: empty. In general, half empty supermarket. It's really like there's war or something with the coronavirus frenzy.
    Avatar by the talented KanuTGL

  5. #25
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    For a price, I'll come and slap sense into people

  6. #26
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    Seeing that here as well. The pasta shelf was picked clean, beans and lentils were almost gone and eggs too. Also meatballs were scarce, who would have thought There's lots of gluten free pasta still though because it's stocked in a different part of the shop, so I'm all good, hahaha~

    I'm doing another theatre gig this weekend and so far we're doing good. The audience is much more scarce than usual though, for obvious reasons, which is a shame because the group we're helping only puts up their show every other year. Right now I'm "cooling down" before going to bed, so I can get up and do the show again tomorrow |
    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person:
    Shadow, This Land, King Simba, Daniel, Lion King Stu, Amaryllis, Safila,
    Sharifu, Sadiki, Taneli, Leorgathar, Nathalie and Lucy!

  7. #27
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    And in this "time of need", people still, don't want Soya milk or Soya pudding
    (the pudding ain't that bad really, since it's flavoured)

    Lea Members I've met...
    LKD 1x, Sharifu 2x, STM 2x, This Land 8x, Lucy 11x, Amy 1x, LKS 2x, KanuTGL 1x, Dani 2x, Dan 2x
    Shadow 1x, King Simba 2x, Nephilim 1x, Naline 1x, jazzybbunny 3x, cleargreenwater 1x, HasiraKali 1x, Vidan 1x
    avater = Sharifu

  8. #28
    Donut Face cleargreenwater's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by KanuTGL View Post
    There's lots of gluten free pasta still though because it's stocked in a different part of the shop, so I'm all good, hahaha~

    I'm doing another theatre gig this weekend and so far we're doing good. The audience is much more scarce than usual though, for obvious reasons, which is a shame because the group we're helping only puts up their show every other year. Right now I'm "cooling down" before going to bed, so I can get up and do the show again tomorrow
    Hey, I didn't know you were gluten free, me too! Only as of this summer. I'm not super strict with it because for me it's a choice not an allergy, but I have psoriasis and mild psoriatic arthritis and boy do I notice a difference in both the rash and the tendonitis. Its annoying as hell but that's a good incentive so I try to stick with it as much as possible.

    I feel really bad for so many small community groups. These fundraisers mean so much, I know historical society events have been dropping like flies here, too :-/ And when school groups visit museums they make a donation to the museum, so with schools being closed they're losing out on that too. I hope this isn't the final nail in the coffin for some of these small places.

    Right now I just came back from the grocery store. Apparently Jello is one of those things you have to stock up on because all I could find was strawberry flavor. I'm going for oral surgery on Tuesday and wont be able to eat normally for a week or two, it figures I have to buy this stuff now
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  9. #29
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cleargreenwater View Post
    Hey, I didn't know you were gluten free, me too! Only as of this summer. I'm not super strict with it because for me it's a choice not an allergy, but I have psoriasis and mild psoriatic arthritis and boy do I notice a difference in both the rash and the tendonitis. Its annoying as hell but that's a good incentive so I try to stick with it as much as possible.
    Oh! Welcome to the gluten free club I have a fairly mild case of Coeliac disease and it was only confirmed a few years ago. It's enough to give me issues if I eat the stuff regularly, but I can cheat sometimes without feeling anything if I reeally want the something with gluten in it

    Quote Originally Posted by cleargreenwater View Post
    I feel really bad for so many small community groups. These fundraisers mean so much, I know historical society events have been dropping like flies here, too :-/ And when school groups visit museums they make a donation to the museum, so with schools being closed they're losing out on that too. I hope this isn't the final nail in the coffin for some of these small places.

    Right now I just came back from the grocery store. Apparently Jello is one of those things you have to stock up on because all I could find was strawberry flavor. I'm going for oral surgery on Tuesday and wont be able to eat normally for a week or two, it figures I have to buy this stuff now
    Yeah, that's a really depressing aspect of this whole thing. I really hope those smaller groups are able to recover somehow after the worst is over :/

    Good luck with the surgery too! Hope it goes well o: |
    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person:
    Shadow, This Land, King Simba, Daniel, Lion King Stu, Amaryllis, Safila,
    Sharifu, Sadiki, Taneli, Leorgathar, Nathalie and Lucy!

  10. #30
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    Hope nothing to bad CGW.

    So over people wining 'my kids are devastated we aren't going to Disney' and 'oh no, Broadway is closed, how will I survive without going to a show'

    It's not what anyone wanted, obviously, but there's just nothing we can do about it.
    And if this is what needs to be done, then so be it.

    It is what it is.
    We just have to make do now.

    I've been up since 5. It's almost 8 now.
    Might as well go to the grocery store early today, see if that changes anything in getting the stuff we need.
    Since everything is gone daily, I have had to go back daily to check *sigh*.

  11. #31
    Donut Face cleargreenwater's Avatar
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    Naw nothing big, still with the stupid tooth abscess. They couldn't do a regular root canal on it because the tooth was dead for so long it the canal filled back in with calcium. I was supposed to get the oral surgery last week but they cancelled it from all this virus craziness, so I'll have to do it some other time. The tooth doesn't hurt a bit, I only need it for the abscess anyway. I feel like I dodged the executioner LOL.

    Right now I am getting ready to work from home tomorrow for the first time ever. I just got the laptop & printer set up, now I have to find a place for all my crap on a plastic folding table!
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  12. #32
    Donut Face cleargreenwater's Avatar
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    I am staring day 2 of working from home.

    This s--- is weird. But the dog is a nice perk!
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  13. #33
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    It takes so much self discipline to work from home, which I don't have, haha. Since I already have 0 attention span, even when being in an office is extremely difficult for me.
    I used to work from home once in a while back in the day, and it was tough.

    Good luck!

    I've been to the store the last time today for hopefully at least 7-9 days now.
    We were struggling so much to get enough food, I had to back every day to check.
    I've gotten a real scare too now, so my anxiety is sky high and I've been feeling very bad (not sick, but like, anxious and all that) since yesterday.
    Because no one cared over here, and all the nutcases taken all the food, I've put myself in danger, because we needed food.

    Only today things were different! Tape in the store where to stand, not many in store either, stacked shelves! I hadn't seen toilet paper in that store for 14 days!
    I cannot believe it actually took a speech from the prime minister for people to listen how bad this is.
    Like, they didn't notice this before that there's a crisis going on? Breathing down your neck even more when standing at the till. INSANE!

    Sadly, for me, this feels just like any other day, of sitting at home, not being able to do much
    Chances of me finding a job now are completely gone for the rest of the year.

    Lea Members I've met...
    LKD 1x, Sharifu 2x, STM 2x, This Land 8x, Lucy 11x, Amy 1x, LKS 2x, KanuTGL 1x, Dani 2x, Dan 2x
    Shadow 1x, King Simba 2x, Nephilim 1x, Naline 1x, jazzybbunny 3x, cleargreenwater 1x, HasiraKali 1x, Vidan 1x
    avater = Sharifu

  14. #34
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    Yeah, the self-isolation thing isn't really out of the ordinary from how my past year has been anyway Just normal routine, ha. I went shopping yesterday though and I too managed to find toilet paper in the store The stockpiling here has been really specific, so except for a few items - like toilet paper and pasta - the shelves have been stocked as normal. That feels comforting somehow. The situation feels pretty calm in Sweden overall still, even though the amount of confirmed cases is rising steadily. Our government is still handling this pretty differently from a lot of other countries, and so far so good I suppose.

    Our prime minister addressed the nation on Sunday, which hasn't happened since the election of 2008, and didn't announce any lockdowns, like I was sure he would. Instead he told everyone that we are all personally responsible for the days to come... "Once in a generation there will be a time when you have to make sacrifices for not only yourself, but for the people around you and for our nation. That time is now. That day has come." I hope it resonated with people, because everyone outside of the capital are furious at the self-entitled Stockholmian brats who are still going on their skiing holidays in the north, despite Stockholm being the Swedish epicentre of the outbreak

    And same about job applications. No one is recruiting actively at the moment, for obvious reasons, so who knows how that will go come June, when I run out of unemployment insurance funds

    Currently I'm otherwise procrastinating a bunch of house chores I've planned today... (I just don't understand how the kitchen becomes such a mess so quickly... ) |
    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person:
    Shadow, This Land, King Simba, Daniel, Lion King Stu, Amaryllis, Safila,
    Sharifu, Sadiki, Taneli, Leorgathar, Nathalie and Lucy!

  15. #35
    Senior Member nathalie's Avatar
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    I haven't had benefits since February last year. So this, is going to make us struggle.
    The "good thing" is, that we were supposed to go to the beach now, we can't, so we can't spend any money there, mainly on food that we would eat locally (pizzaria, things like that).
    Who cooks when on holidays? lol

    Disney could get cancelled. It was our last trip before our passes would expire, including The Lion King festival. Even if it would be safe to open again, the festival wouldn't happen.
    But, if Disney gets cancelled, then that's a good chunck of money we'll get refunded also.
    And, again a week to the beach in June.

    We also wanted to surprise my parents, and go to Belgium for a few days end of August, who knows, that could maybe work, but if not, again, money saved from that.

    I love Adam, but for the next forseeable future, being stuck in this room, don't hate me, when I end up killing him j/k off course

    Lea Members I've met...
    LKD 1x, Sharifu 2x, STM 2x, This Land 8x, Lucy 11x, Amy 1x, LKS 2x, KanuTGL 1x, Dani 2x, Dan 2x
    Shadow 1x, King Simba 2x, Nephilim 1x, Naline 1x, jazzybbunny 3x, cleargreenwater 1x, HasiraKali 1x, Vidan 1x
    avater = Sharifu

  16. #36
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    Haha, now be nice!

    The situation took a turn for the worse here this evening with a lot of new cases and deaths and now I honestly want the government to put Stockholm on lockdown - almost 50% of our total cases are over there and we know they'll just keep spreading it to the rest of us even faster if we allow them to leave for the goddamned Easter holidays because their attitudes are awful Sigh.

    Listening to some music and thinking about doodling a bit before bed... I have to leave the house again for a meeting tomorrow and I don't waaanna. |
    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person:
    Shadow, This Land, King Simba, Daniel, Lion King Stu, Amaryllis, Safila,
    Sharifu, Sadiki, Taneli, Leorgathar, Nathalie and Lucy!

  17. #37
    Senior Member Kossu's Avatar
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    Having some coffee, still waking up.

    I've been trying to avoid most social media lately and reading the news, because it only makes me depressed and paranoid. Lea feels safe and different in that aspect. I hope every one of you is doing fine.

    Also, there seems to be an unusual number of visitors lately, I wonder if it's bots.
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  18. #38
    !su nioJ Guntur's Avatar
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    What am I doing right now? just pissed off that I'm one of the bread zombies looking for a bread for my sick mother. There's literally no bread in my area and hey.... look a snack
    (12/16/2014 - 4/6/2006)

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  19. #39
    And at last I see KanuTGL's Avatar
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    Hugs for all of you I definitely agree we should spend more time here.

    I'm listening through the first audio mixes of the recorded songs from our shows back in February <3 It's such a boost tonight to hear them again, and they sound really good too, haha! |
    Lea members I've had the pleasure of meeting in person:
    Shadow, This Land, King Simba, Daniel, Lion King Stu, Amaryllis, Safila,
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  20. #40
    Senior Member Kossu's Avatar
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    Guntur, I hope your mother will be fine! Be strong everyone.

    Preparing to work on a commission here, after playing some Vermintide with some friends. Those game sessions are usually a lot of fun, so many silly jokes.
    Avatar by the talented KanuTGL

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