We seen Sonic a few days ago. It was good!

I have nothing with the character. Back "in my day", you were either Sega kid or a Nintendo kid. And at my house, we had a Nintendo.
So never even played Sonic. (I do know about it though).

Very glad they listened to the people and changed Sonic.
Because, let's face it, he looks adorable now, and mad ugly when the first trailer came out.

I didn't think it was an awesome movie that I would see again within a few days if I still had my cinema pass, which I did with Pokemon and Secret life of pets (seen both 4 times within 2 weeks).
But it was very enjoyable, had good funny moments.
And James Marsden ... for all the ladies out there ... he's aging very well!

You must like Jim Carrey though.
If you don't like him, don't go see it. As it has typical Jim Carrey speech / sillyness / moves in it.