I'm glad to see that I helped some in all this. I'm also glad to hear it seems Pat's visa will be processed soon! That is always exciting! Once his visa is processed, maybe he will have more luck getting hired for a job.

As for me and Petteri, I'm sure almost all of you know this from Facebook, but Petteri became a U.S. Citizen last month! It's pretty exciting to know we are done with USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) forever! Not that we ran into problems really, pretty much all of Petteri's process, from getting his visa, to green card, to citizenship was pretty smooth with no problems. It's just that since 2010, every couple of years it was a new process to do, just more paperwork, filling out forms, gathering documents, paying fees, getting Petteri's finger prints taken and going to interviews. Just so glad to be done with all this. (Although before Petteri decided to get U.S. citizenship, he had a 10 year green card, and if Petteri decided he just wanted to stay a permanent resident and not become a U.S. citizen, all he would have to do is keep renewing his green card every 10 years, so it wouldn't of been so bad, but still, nice to know we are done.)