Pft, people that only speak English can barely speak it. One of my biggest annoyances is when people say "mines" instead of just "mine". For example, "That candy is mines." Ugggggh! I hear some of the adults at school say it too, and it's just so frustrating. I mean, I know the kids' way of speaking can rub off on your sometimes, and it's ok to be silly, but come on.

On another note, this is my BIGGEST pet peeve right here:

NO. Swahili is NOT a symbolic language. It's just not. This is a squiggle. It means nothing. At best, it's from a Korean movie. And people get this tattooed? I mean, tattoo whatever you want, but don't go around saying it's "hakuna matata" when it's not. This gets me so worked up whenever I see it, Dawn thinks it's hilarious. So I guess my real pet peeve here is ignorance? People need to research and learn, especially before getting something permanently placed on your skin.