Shatara! Great to see you again around here

Quote Originally Posted by HasiraKali View Post
Aaaaaand people are already nitpicking. Can't they understand that this is stylized? And that it's also made to appeal to pre-schoolers?
I know, right? Comment sections everywhere is full with all kinds of hate and bashing. And they keep idolizing Kopa complaining that he's not in TLG
People are taking it too seriously.

I understand the Roar of the Elders is a fantasy element no one saw coming, and that it's strange to fit something like that in the preexisting TLK universe. But I do think it's an interesting new addition, and I personally find it fascinating, especially how they linked it to Scar (They didn't forget about Scar! How cool is that). It has a real lot of potential if you think about it, but in any case it's still a kids show in the end, no point in nitpicking it.