I tried but I still didn't found a way to like this game...
I tried but I still didn't found a way to like this game...
I like GTA 2, GTA III and the trilogy though, not a fan of IV over a bad port from console to PC. But I know they invest so much money on GTA V to satisfy all of the users in all platform.
Which GTA did you play Thiago? If it's IV it just better play on the console over a bad port.
I played only ps2 versions (San Andreas, vice city and III) but none of them seemed fun to me...
Maybe only its not my style of games...
Yeah, I can see that though, Not all people have the same taste on GTA. What other game or your favorite game Thiago?
What are everyone's favorite games, anyhow? I tend toward open world RPGs and strategy-type games, especially if they have sci-fi elements.
Just finished Mass Effect 3, and playing a bit of Far Cry 4 from time to time. Neither of those are on Steam though, so if you look at my profile, it doesn't look like I've been playing anything recently Not sure if GTA would be up my alley, but I've never given any of those games a try.
I'm currently play two games at the moment,
One is Strider, a platformer hack and slash game.
and Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning, Open world RPG like Skyrim. Right now also I'm going back and forth on Watch_Dog, not what I expected for overhype game since 2012.
Couple of game that popped in my mind: Kingdom of Amalur, Dark Souls series, Elder Scrolls series, lesser known RPG game called Lord of the Fallen, and the Almighty Legend of Zelda 2015.
This is one cool article, Valve's former economist and private consultant is now Greek's Minister of Finance.
Props and congratulations to Yanis Varoufakis.
In online games I never had the luck to play with people of my same level of skill, so i ended up giving up on it. Recentily I have been playing rpg games such final fantasy 13, and action ones like tomb raider and resident evil 6 / revelations.
Ladies and Gentleman, it's time for...
Ladies and gentleman, Humble Bundle strikes again.
Square Enix Bundle
Include: Deus Ex Human Revolution Director's Cut edition. Hitman, 2013 Tomb Raider, Sleeping Dogs, Thief, and Murder Suspect soul.
Better grab this fast because the price tier (excluding TR and SD) may go sky rocket in this coming days.
I've been playing through Final Fantasy and just downloaded Maple Story.
I have become quite advanced as Terraria. At the moment, my home server is down. We will go back up when the 1.3 update comes out. In the meantime, I enjoy playing on my single player world.
It's not thrugh Steam, but I also play Minecraft a lot, though I am not nearly as good with that.
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Our time on this planet is precious, and can be snuffed out at any moment. Every second of every day should mean something.
A few days ago there was the "Ubisoft bundle". I bought "Rayman: Legends" for a few €. Yay!
I've played the first "Rayman" game back in 1995 (I think...) and "Rayman's world" as well. I really liked them a lot and there's hardly another jump and run game out there that I've enjoyed that much. The animations were so smooth, the music was beautiful and the gameplay was really neat.
I didn't like "Rayman 2" though.
Okay, I still enjoyed the game and I played it until I couldn't finish a level because of a bug (Windows version). But since the original ideas and gameplay changed (where did all those new characters come from...?!?), I didn't catch up with the later games.
"Rayman: Legends", however, looked rather promising and since it was really cheap, I decided to buy it. So far I haven't seen many levels, but what I did see was really well done. I think I'll enjoy it
And I also got Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit this weekend. I kind of hoped it would be similiar to the original "NFS III: HP" or "Hot Pursuit 2" which I played on Gamecube and PC. But I noticed a lot of changes and I miss the good old "hot seat" mode. I think playing online is nice, but sometimes I want to challenge my husband and I don't want to get an EA account just for doing so... Ah well. Those were the days!
"Respect the past; you never know how it may affect you."
~ Brom, "Eragon".
Thank you for that nice Avatar, Atimon.
Yeah, For NFS you need to have an Origin or Uplay account to use the DRM, you may buy it on steam but you need to insert your keys to your account just to play the game.
I think the last Rayman game I ever play was back in 2007 on Playstation 2 console, it was a great party game to play with your cousins. But It was a good game to play.
Ubisoft recent weekend sale last week was quite decent, althrough I'm not expecting AAA game like watch dog, Far Cry or AC going to go for 50% discount and more but at least for people who want the game could get it cheaper than usual. I didn't buy anything but it's cool to have a couple of cheap stuff in Steam.
I just found out that my graphic card actually should support GTA V and my former CPU was even better than I had in mind. What a pleasant surprise...
However, I managed to get my paws on a used CPU and so I upgraded my system a bit. I didn't want to replace my mainboard though.
So chances are that I could run GTA V quite smoothly. Not with all the high details, but at least it should work. My system is still not good enough to run AC: Unity, but who cares?
Now I wonder if I should pre-order GTA V. It's soooo expensive! But I'd love to play that game. I've never played a GTA Title before, I only watched a few "Let's Plays" on Youtube. But GTA V looks like a lot of fun since the open world is really impressing. Sure, there are some very dark elements and I don't know if I could really handle them. I normally don't play a bad guy, but there are so many other great things you can explore! This is so tempting...
"Respect the past; you never know how it may affect you."
~ Brom, "Eragon".
Thank you for that nice Avatar, Atimon.
There's a preorder perk out there with 1 million in game currency.
Yeah, the specs is rather low on minimum requirement, My PC could handle the recommended except for my graphic card obviously.
I believe the specs are based on minimum requirement from Xbox one console, but that's all the rumors that I heard about minimum requirements.
I would recommend to buy it on steam so you can use the overlay to chat with the other friends in steam, A lot of folks in Green Man Gaming asked for refund as it only redeem on Rockstar Social club, So everyone doesn't want that DRM so I believe 80% of the folks are choosing to use Steam as their personal favorite DRM machine.
Alright folks, Yesterday sharp on 7PM eastern time GTA V game was launched without any hassle, except for a few thing: It seems SSD owners discovered that their installation files exceed 100GB.
I had a lot of laugh over that article in reddit, It's unfortunate but strange situation to live in.
Anyway if you guys pre ordered GTA V, Time to play the game.
And EA just reboot Need for Speed, for the third time.
I have no idea and will reserve judgment on this one until the release day.
Here's a gif that I will link to y'all since it's appropriate to share it with you guys because...?
According to Russia IGN, Steam Summer Sale will start on 11th of June, 2 weeks from now.
Enjoy shopping folks.
This video deserves to get more views from the People in Lea. Oh I know you can't wait to get your hands on it.
Alright folks, Kinda want to revive the thread.
What game are you currently playing at the moment?
I'm into Titanfall and Dead Space 2, I remember watching the game playthrough by one of the biggest youtube users back in 2011. I feel like I'm going to try it either way.