First Name: Adam Neale

Screen Name (s):This Land
Nicknames?:Landy, TL, Tilly

Birth date: 20th January 1989

Ethnic Background: White
Eye Color: Green

Hair Color:Gingerness

Freckles: Yep

Moles: Nope

Scars: Chest, Arm, Leg

Righty or Lefty?: Righty

Religion: None Really

Political Party: dont do politics

Country?: England

Marital Status?: In love <3

Sexual Preference?: Female

Parents Divorced?: Yep ><

Siblings? How many?: One Big Brother Anthony ^^

Children? How many?: None

Best Friend (s): Daniel, Tara, Azerane, Safila, Lucy,

Pets (names and what they are): Kale (Dog), 6 Fishies ^^

Job?: Place Where you go to get your Shoes, watches and jewelery replired, drycleaning, Key cutting, Engraving

Schooling?: nope

Car?: Motorbikes ftw ^^

Play an Instrument?: Piano,

Glasses or Contacts?: None

Jewelry?: Necklace ^^

Tattoo?: Nope

Makeup?: Nope XD

Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Chinese Zodiac Sign: Dragon i think....


Animal: Dogs, Big Cats (Lions especially), Domestic cats aswell ^^

Color: Blue n Green

Country: Sweden ^^, Scotland ^^

Automobile: No, You got it all wrong, i like the 2 wheeled Machines xP

Shoe: One that Fits really XD

Number: Was 23, Turning to 19 now though XD

Food: Chicken ^^, also Like anything with cheese ^^

Fast Food Place and Food there: KFC

Musical Instrument: Guitar, never got round to learning it ><

Drink (not just alcoholic): John Smiths, Apple Juice =D

Season: Autum, love the Colours ^^, love Hot Summer aswell ^^

Actor: Mathew Brodwick (the personality and singing voice), Nathan lane (Great Voice and comedy). Jim carrey (Great At mixing comedy with seriousness in some films, not many actors can be very funny and very serious in different or the same film =D)

Actress: Natalie Portman

Music Genre: Rock, Classic, Soundtrack, Bit Of Dance when i feel like it.

Singer: Cant name any Solo Artist or Band member off teh top of my head

Band: like Alot, But especially, UFO, Black Sabbath.

Movie Genre: Like all Sorts, depends on the Story.

Movie: Matrix, TLK, The producers, Shawshank Redemption, LoTR......and so many more

Hero/Heroine in Movie: PC Nicolas Angel xP

Villain in Movie: Scar, the Machine World

Book Genre: Thriller, Mystery, Real life

Book: Born Free atm ^^

Author: P.J Tracy

Board Game: MouseTrap was my childhoos favourite

Game Console: PSP

Computer/Console Game: Halo

Sport: Rock Climbing

Activity (Besides Sports): Computer, Movies, Piano

Website:, And lea ^^

Subject in School: Electronics ^^

Store: Computer Store ^^

Gum: Spearmint

Candy: Plopp (Swedish Choccie Bar)

Email or IM: IM

Phone or in person: In person ^^

TV or Radio or Internet: Internet =D

Flavor: Vanilla

Cats or Dogs: Doggies ^^

Day or Night: Night, So Calm and relaxing if its clear skys ^^

IM Service: aMSN

-Do you?.. Or.. Have You Ever?..-

Drugs: Once...never again

Alcohol: yep

Cigarettes/Cigars: Yep ><

Chew: Yum

Cuss/Swear: Somtimes

Lie: Only Non-Serious Things

Stole: Yer ><. Only silly things, out of that phase now ^^

Attempted Suicide: Nope

Attempted Murder: Nope

Broken/Fractured/Sprained a bone: Many of times xP

Got in a fight, did you win: Cant remember

Been shot: Nope

Want to go to college: Been and went

Had an imaginary friend: Nope

Wanted to be the opposite sex: Nope

Had D?j? Vu: Oh yes , hehe

Gone skinny dipping?: Proberly, When i was really young and its been out and around in a family conversation xP

Walk around nude?: Just in the Bathroom, dont really prefer showering with clothes on xP

-Love Life-

Is Love real?: Oh Yes <3

Ever fallen in love?: Oh Yes

If so, at what age?: 16, 18

How many times?: 3

Ever been dumped?: Yup ><

How many times?: 1

Ever made out?: Yes

Ever had Sex?: Yes

Looks or Personality?: Both, but Personality Always Goes Infront ^^

Are you attractive or ugly IYO?: i dont like to be the judge of my own looks, I will leave that To others

Believe in love at first sight?: I Belive It can happen ^^

Do you want to get married?: When Im a bit Older.....its a Big Life long commitment.

Define marriage and what it means to you: "A bond between two people who are deeply in love and want to spend the rest of their lives together--you can be in love without it, but it sort of defines it for the world to see." (Taken from Kanu who taken from FC xP. Its Such a lovely explanation.)

Do you want/have kids?: When Im Older and the time is right ^^

Boys name: Dont know XD

Girls name: And again

-The most-

Stupidest thing you?ve done: Hit a Cyclist on the road

Greatest thing you?ve done: New job ^^

Funniest thing you?ve done: Hit a Cyclist on the Road (Before you Flame me, he wasnt hurt, i took all the damage, Broken Ankle in 2 places, Irony is the funny part xP)

Person/Place/Thing you hate: Chavs/A certain Depressing Area in coventry/Shoe trimmer, so hard to use ><

Person/Place/Thing you love: Well Me Loves Anna (KanuTGL) <3 ^^/ Sweden, Scotland / Computer

Country you hate besides your own: Dunno XD

Country you love besides your own: Sweden, Scotland (how many times do i need to say it :p )

Best feeling in the world: definatly Love, Happiness, and a sense of Belonging all rolled into one ^^

Worst feeling in the world: Guilt, It will Stay on your mind and can send people ill ><.

-Politics & Religion-

Do you believe in God?: Agnostic

Do you believe in Abortion?: Right, Circumstances Yes (severly handicapped, severly deformed etc.). You are more of a monster to let a child live through suffering then you are to prevent it in the first place.

Do you believe in Cloning?: to Save a Life, Yes

Do you believe in Guns?: Self defence yes.

Do you believe in War?: If we was defending, yes

Do you believe in Hunting?: yes, only for food

Do you believe in Taxes?: In some ways

Do you believe in Texas?: definatly not *sarcasm*

Do you believe in Gay Marriage?: Its their Choice, and Their Life, so why not ^^

Do you believe in Plastic Surgery?: Only If they need it

Was OJ Simpson guilty?: I dont know

Is Michael Jackson guilty?: I Cant decide

Bush or Kerry or Nader?: ?

Do you believe in Heaven?: Thinking

Do you believe in Hell?: Thinking


Hobbies: My Job, Piano, Computer repair, Motorcycling

Collections: Zippo's, TLK

Goals: Promotion in 1 year (3/5 employees in the company i work for do)

Dreams: Live In Sweden or Scotland with Anna <3

Fears: cyclist on Roads ><

Weaknesses: Very Soft hearted

Is Pntbll "Teh Sex"?: I'm sorry, I just had to add that =P. No , mwhahaha =P

Most common emotion: =P, ^^

Perfect Pizza: Chicken BBQ

What?s your favorite Memory:
-Meeting Anna for the first time, and spending 2 weeks together <3,
-Our First kiss <3
-Every Time i Have Met Anna <3
-Both london Lea Meetings i have attended
-Coventry Mash-up
-So many more.....

Countries you?ve been to: Germany, France, Scotland, Sweden, Denmark, New Zealand, Spain and more, but im getting sleepy xP

What pet would you like: Doggie

Do you enjoy Questionnaires: Yip