OOC> Kay it's real hard to follow quite where everyone is in regards to me..so forgive me if i miss out / get wrong, small details.


The tense stand of between Cova and the few Lionesses against the single Male reached a boiling point as they both exchanged un-pleasantry's at each other. All the Lionesses including Cova stood growling as something suddenly hit Cova harder than a paw to the muzzle..?But I should be a little more concerned of your king? her eyes wide as suddenly Santiago flew into the Male that they were staring down, not even looking at the effects of the tackle he made as Cova suddenly panicked The Male that got past!...they must have intended him to...and that means... Turning immediately and leaping away from the line of defense, dodging the 2nd Male as she burned her way back towards the path entrance that lead up to Pride rock. Paws slipping in the mud and rain as her fangs were clenched with the sheer determination she put into getting up to the promenant point as fast as was possible...

As she ran it suddenly dawned on her what Twilight dying could mean for the pride....what it would mean especially to her...Roaring loudly as the mud turned to Stone and she scrabbeled to get up the path, only slowing when she heard a thick thud of a lion falling to the ground up on top. She suddenly stopped...breathing heavy as she peered slowly over the peak of the ledge on top of Pride rock..eyes wide...her mind and body not able to comprehend what she would do if the Prince's lifeless body scared her sight..

Now breaking into harsh heavy breathing again as she saw not twilight on the floor but a smaller Male, with a larger one seeming very pissed. Cova took another small step up onto the rock, now her head and shoulders appearing as she tryed her best to be quiet, but allow the prince to get sight of her presence. Unsure what good she might be.... if not a good distraction..