Originally posted by Sharifu
I'm sorry but I fail to see how Bambi is traumatic. Yeah, it's very sad that Bambi's mother was shot and died, but it's not like you see it happen, you don't even see her afterwards at all... And dying is apart of life, it's very sad, but everyone has to deal with it in life. If Bambi is considered traumatic, then The Lion King should be 10 times more traumatic... Seeing Mufasa scream and fall to his death after his brother digs his claws into Mufasa's paws and then heartlessly throws him off, and you just see all the pain and tragedy, and it doesn't happen off screen like Bambi.
But consider this.

Bambi was released over 65 years ago, as oppose to The Lion King's 11 year history. You really (and I mean really) don't know what it was like back then; it was simpler times back then, and something like this really could have a traumatic effect on you.

As someone said earlier, there's so much bad things in the world nowadays that people are desensitized to this sort of thing, but if I was alive back then, "I would actually get up in the middle of the night and make sure my parents were still alive."