I'm done with this topic because I am seeing that point where things are going to take a turn towards the explanation of every word, and every phrase...and I HATE that type of discussion.

1) I did not say that we have a state religion, nor should we. Christian nation refers to the fact that the majority of our nation is populated by Christians. It is the major religion in this country.

2) I was not referring to Atheists..I was referring to the left. I am not talking about people protesting back against Christian protests. I am talking about things such as not being able to display nativity scenes because it's "prejudice" or the fact that we have to take the word God out of every speech or inscription. THOSE are all attacks on Christianity and SOLEY on Christianity. They do not complain when another religion displays its beliefs publicly. They might instantly apologize to Muskims for something offensive (when they shouldnt have to)...but refuse to for Christians every time. There is a bias AGAINST Chrisitianity from the left.

This is just the type of thing I mean. Apparently when I say the left, people assume that I don't realize that things are not black and white. It is completely obvious that there are liberal Christians and Conservative Atheists. Of course, you have to look at individual views as well. If you generally are for conservative values and laws...I suppose you can call yourself a conservative. You can still however, hold a liberal view on religion. Secondly, this view against religion IS generally held by the left. It does not mean that if you are generally a leftwing person in many issues...you can't be a Christian. However, this view that religion is a bad thing, needs to be taken out of everything it possibly can be, insulted at every turn, and attacked constantly is NOT perpetuated by the right...but the left. THAT is where I get my view of this from. The people that have conservative views on religion, and are generally left wing are irrelevant. I am speaking of the LIBERAL VIEW of religion, that is perpetuated by LIBERALS...thus making it a left wing idea.

I admit, I believe I phrased my speech about the "rest of the world" in a bad way. I knew what i was trying to say...I posted a correction here I believe....or maybe in the other topic. I can't remember because we have two topics about the same things (someone should fix that). There is a large part of the industrial and civilized world that hold much more liberal beliefs than are generally present here in the U.S. Those same liberal beliefs that led to how Europe is today are also the same held by the liberals in this country. I am basically saying (not blaming, didn't mean it like that) that the libeal views on religion and other matters that much of Europe holds...are adopted by and influence the liberals in this country.

No, I don't think religion ultimately equals morality. I think it helped establish parts of it, and I think it influences it...but it doesn't establish it completely nor totally sustain it. Religion however, is a major part of human life. It always has been. It provides benefits for society and for individuals mental health. Really though, the discussion is not about what religion is. It is about it being allowed in public. You see, the left wing view is not one that says "destroy religion" (not yet anyways)...it is simply trying to supress it from the public. Why? Why is it a bad thing to display the major religion your population holds in public? Why is the mentioning of "God" in a speech a bad thing? Why is religious influence, or religion in general viewed as something that shouldn't be seen by anyone in public? I don't see the point behind it..and it certainly does not seem as if that is supporting free expression of your beliefs. Having the word "God" in a government building hurts no one...and doesn't defy or go against any law etc. There is no reason why it should be removed...when we have been poulated by Christians the entire time we have been a nation. We were founded by Christians...so why much we delete every memory of this from public life?

I don't think Europe is necessarily is hurt by what they choose to follow in that area..but it seems like it is just a step towards stamping out religion completely. I don't understand why it is so important to make sure that there is no symbol of religion in public or near a government facility when that symbol doesnt change anything. If there is no established religion, there is no established religion....the word "God" in an inscription in a building of the government does not change that. I don't see why something that has been such a major part of our nation should be erased.

Shadow....you just cut out part of my sentence and responded to it. That is not what I said...read the rest of the sentence before you try to twist my words to make me sound like an idiot. READ people....I did not say Europe is not religious because we are. I said that European countries that dislike the U.S attack us for being religious because that is a point at which we differ from them. They are less religious than us, so they attack us for being religious. It is just ammunition for them. That view of religion, and those attacks come from the left..and are perpetuated by the left....so it is no wonder that most of these countries that dislike us are also more liberal in government etc.

I am not arguing we need to be more religious..I am arguing that we need to KEEP our religion around....and STOP trying to dismantle and erase it from publis life. It is part of our country, it has always been..and it should stay that way.
